
The great extent of the personal publishing revolution has been proved by a poll showing that a third of young people online have started their own blogs or websites.
Millions of young people who have grown up with the internet and mobile phones are no longer content with the one-way traffic of traditional media and are publishing and collecting their own content ,according to a survey of those aged between 14 and 21.
A generation has grow up using the Internet as their main means of communication, thanks to an early grasp of online communities and messaging services as well as simple technology allowing Web users to start a personal blog, without any special technical knowledge . On average, people between 14 and 21 spend almost eight hours a week online, but it is far from a solitary activity. There are signs of a clear generation differences, and instead of using the Internet as their parents do---as an information source, or to shop and read newspapers online---most young people are using it to communicate with one another.
About half of that time is spent chatting to friends in online communities or using messaging services, while another half of that time is spent e-mailing. The Internet may be a window into their personal space, but it is not a window on the world for young people: only one in ten say they use it to keep up with news and current affairs.
But newspaper publishers and news broadcasters will take some comfort from the poll’s findings. Six in ten said they “like to keep up with the news” ,the rate rising to more than seven in ten among 20-and 21-year-olds. Contrary to the prevailing wisdom that young people are turning to the Internet for news, the poll found that television and newspapers remain by far the most popular means of getting information.

根据对年龄介乎14至21 的年青人的一项统计调查结果显示,数以百万计的年轻的人已经长大了,他们不再满足互联网和移动电话这些传统的媒体出版方式来收集相关信息了。
正在成长的一代人正在使用互联网作为他们的主要交流手段,这要归功于一个早期掌握网上社区系统和信息服务用户没有任何特别的技术知识 也可以撰写个人的网页和博客, 平均而言,在14 和21之间的人在线时间将近一周8 小时,但是它不是一项孤立的活动。 有一个明显的差异显示,年青人上网不是象他们的父母一样使用因特网 ---作为信息来源,在线读报纸 也不是象商家在网上销售东西一样---大多数年轻人正使用互联网来进行相互交流。
但是报纸出版商和新闻广播员将从投票的结论中得到一些安慰。 百分之六十的人说他们"喜欢关注新闻",在20 和21岁的人的比率上升到超过百分之七十。 与年轻人正通过互联网转向新闻相反的是, 投票发现电视和报纸仍然是目前最受欢迎的获取信息手段。
第1个回答  2008-01-07
以百万计的年轻的人长大了,有了互联网和移动电话已不再满足于一张单程交通和传统媒体和出版,并收集他们自己的内容,根据一项统计调查结果显示,那些年龄介乎14至21 。
但是报纸出版商和广播公司新闻会采取一些安慰,从民意调查的结果。六十中说,他们"要与时并进消息" ,这个数字上升到七年多,在10和20和21岁的孩子。相反,当时的智慧年轻的人都转向互联网获取新闻,调查发现,电视和报纸仍然是目前最流行的手段获取信息。