
Wild elephants live in herds of 10 to about 50. The leader is usually a female. A herd can go through a forest quietly. It travels in a single line. It goes about 6 miles an hour. When frightened, it may run at about 25 miles an hour . When they reach water ,elephants swim across.They are great swimmers.
Elephants eat grass, leaves, small branches, and bark.They particularly like the tender leaves on the top of trees. How do they get these leaves? They use their heads to knock trees down.They can easily knock down a 30-foot tree. Elephants also eat berries,mangoes, coconuts,corn,and sugar cane.They love salt.A wild male adults eat 500 to 600 pounds of food a day .
Many people want to find the graveyards of elephants. There is a strong belief that such graveyards exists. Here is why .Bones and tusts of dead elephants have almost never been found.Searches have been made in forests. Grassy plains have been searched too. But neither bones nor tusts are found. Elephants don’t live forever .Where are their bones? They don’t just bury themselves .Here is one belief. When an elephant gets sick or old, it instinctively kowns death is near. It leaves the herd. It goes off to a secret graveyard. The place is known only to elephants, and perhaps other animals, but not to humans .Obviously, such a graveyard would be filled with tusts. These were once very valuable .The objective of explorers was to find this “gold” mine .This graveyard belief may be a truth or a myth .But it is romantic.It would be nice if it were true.

野象一般成群居住,数量从10头到50头不等。向群的首领一般是头母象。野象群迁徙的时候成一条直线,虽然形体庞大但是它们可以静悄悄的穿过树林。野象行进时速大约一小时六英里,如果受到惊吓,它们奔跑的速度可以达到25英里每小时。 如果河流阻断前路,它们可以泅水渡河。野象可是非常厉害的游泳选手呢。
大象的主要食物是青草,树叶,小树枝和树皮。它们尤其喜欢树顶上的嫩芽。它们怎么摘到这些嫩芽呢?原来是用头把树撞倒。它们可以轻易的把30码高的树掀翻。大象也喜欢吃莓子、芒果、椰子、玉米和甘蔗。它们还喜欢盐。一头成年野象 一天能吃500到600磅的食物。
许多人试图找到野象的坟墓,人们确信这种坟墓确实存在,这是因为人们从没有找到过死亡的象的骨头和象牙。人们在森林和草原里都找不到这些遗骸的踪迹。野象总有一天会死的,但是它们的尸骨究竟在哪里呢? 野象不仅仅埋葬自己。有人相信当一只野象老了或者生病的时候,它出于本能意识到自己的日子不多了。于是,它离开象群来到一个秘密的墓地。这个墓地只有象群知道,也许别的动物也知道,只有人类不知道。很显然,这个墓地一定埋葬了价值连城的象牙。象牙曾经很值钱。而寻找野象坟墓的目的就是寻找这些宝藏。这个关于野象墓地的猜想也许是真的,也许只是神话,但它是浪漫的。如果是真的就太好了。
第1个回答  2008-01-03