英语翻译 在线等

Many plants have already made the necessary upgrades and retrofits; around 53% of America’s coal-fired capacity comes from units fitted with scrubbers. But others, particularly older plants, will have to decide whether such expensive upgrades are worth doing at all. Most of America’s coal-fired capacity comes from plants at least 30 years old, and as much as 14% of existing coal-fired plants, accounting for 4% of America’s generation capacity, will have to be retired in the next five to eight years. Energy providers face a stark choice. They can fight these regulations in court (outcome uncertain). They can retrofit old plants: plenty have done that, too. Or they can build new plants—in which case, far more are choosing plants that burn natural gas or use renewables rather than coal.
参考译文:许多工厂已经做了必要的升级和改进;大约53%的美国燃煤生产力来自装有洗涤器的装置。但是其他的工厂,尤其是一些历史更久远的工厂,必须得决定这样昂贵的升级到底值不值。大多数的美国燃煤生产力来自于30年余久的工厂,这样的工厂占现有燃煤工厂的14%,发电量占美国发电总量的的4%,然而这些工厂在接下来的5到8年内必须淘汰。能量供应商面临着一个严峻的抉择。他们可以上诉公堂,与这些规章条例作斗争。他们也可以改进这些工厂:很多人也已经这么做了。或者他们可以建造新的工厂—— 在这种情况下,更多人会选择烧天然气或使用可再生能源,而不是煤炭。
第一句Many plants have already made the necessary upgrades and retrofits; around 53% of America’s coal-fired capacity comes from units fitted with scrubbers.
comes from units是什么意思?参考译文大约53%的美国燃煤生产力来自装有洗涤器的装置 表示理解不能..

Many plants 许多工厂
have already made已经做了
the necessary upgrades and retrofits;必要的升级和改进;
around 53% of 大约53%的
America’s coal-fired capacity 美国燃煤生产力
comes from 来自
units fitted with scrubbers. 装有洗涤器的装置。
unit 是装置
fit with 动词是“装上”的意思
Most tools can be fitted with a new handle. 多数工具都能装上一个新把手。
units fitted with scrubbers 是 fitted 过去分词修饰 unit,就是装有洗涤器的装置。
第1个回答  2012-06-06
许多植物已作了必要的更新和改造;大约53%的美国燃煤发电量来自单位安装洗涤器。comes from units是来自单位的意思