中译英 (用后面括号内的单词翻译)

这些植物因缺水而枯死了。 (lack of)
请给我一支钢笔或一支铅笔。 (either…or)
我想喝冷饮,不想喝咖啡。 (rather than)
我买的汽车和你买的汽车一样。 (the same…as )
你怎能对你弟弟如此无礼。 (rude)
你早晚会学会做这件事的。 ( in time )

1.The plants died for lack of water. (这些植物因缺水而枯死了。)
2.Please give me either a pen or a pencil. (请给我一支钢笔或一支铅笔。)
3.I'd like to have a cold drink rather than coffee.( 我想喝冷饮,不想喝咖啡。 )
4.I bought the same car as yours. (我买的汽车和你买的汽车一样。)
5.How can you be so rude to your brother. (你怎能对你弟弟如此无礼。)
6.You will learn how to do it in time. (你早晚会学会做这件事的。)
第1个回答  2012-09-18
1.The plants died for lack of water
2.Please give me either a pen or a pencil
3.I'd like to have a cold drink rather than coffee
4.I bought the same car as yours
5.How can you be so rude to your brother
6.You will learn how to do it in time本回答被网友采纳