

第1个回答  2022-06-02


但是,最近在网上的一些评论中,却看到一些人觉得辜鸿铭先生的英文有些啰嗦。愕然之余,细想之后,也多少理解了这些说法的依据。因为辜鸿铭先生在其文章,譬如《中国人的精神》“The Spirit of the Chinese People”(他自译为《春秋大义》)一文中,不断地重复使用一些词语,这难免给人留下啰嗦的印象。

不过,正如那句名言“一千人眼中就有一千个哈姆雷特”一样(There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes. 或If there are a thousand readers, there must be a thousand Hamlets.等 )。即使同一篇文章,不同的读者会从不同的侧面读出其不同味道,并产生不同感受。我个人读辜鸿铭先生的文章,刚开始时,也曾短暂地有过啰嗦的感觉。但细读细思之后,不但不觉得啰嗦,反而认为这只不过是一种写作手法。这种遣词造句手法,与其说是啰嗦,倒不如说是一种强调和引导。后来,读的越多,越觉得后一种看法更为贴切。







“The American people, I may be permitted to say here, find it difficult to understand the real Chinaman and the Chinese civilisation, because the American people, as a rule, are broad, simple, but not deep. The English cannot understand the real Chinaman and Chinese civilisation because the English, as a rule, are deep, simple, but not broad. The Germans again cannot understand the real Chinaman and the Chinese civilisation because the Germans, especially the educated Germans, as a rule, are deep, broad, but not simple. The French, well,—the French are the people, it seems to me, who can understand and has understood the real Chinaman and the Chinese civilisation best. The French, it is true, have not the depth of nature of the Germans nor the broadness of mind of the Americans nor the simplicity of mind of the English,—but the French, the French people have to a preeminent degree a quality of mind such as all the people I have mentioned above as a rule, have not,—a quality of mind which, above all things, is necessary in order to understand the real Chinaman and the Chinese civilisation ; a quality of mind viz: delicacy, For, in addition to the three characteristics of the real Chinaman and Chinese civilisation which I have already mentioned, I must here add one more, and that the chief characteristic, namely delicacy; delicacy to a preeminent degree such as you will find nowhere else except perhaps among the ancient Greeks and their civilisation”.

(注:Chinaman 是那个年代对中国人的称呼方式?还是因有歧视含义,作者有意反用之以讥讽?本人不得而知,有研究的朋友不妨指点)


“Now in order to estimate the value of a civilisation, it seems to me, the question we must finally ask is not what great cities, what magnificent houses, what fine roads it has built and is able to build; what beautiful and comfortable furniture, what clever and useful implements, tools and instruments it has made and is able to make; no, not even what imstitutions, what arts and sciences it has invented: the question we must ask, in order to estimate the value of a civilisation,—is, what type of humanity, what kind of men and women it has been able to produce. In fact, the man and woman,—the type of human beings—which a civilisation produces, it is this which shows the essence, the personality, so to speak, the soul of that civilisation”.



“ The real Chinaman may be coarse, but there is no grossness in his coarseness. The real Chinaman may be ugly, but there is no hideousness in his ugliness. The real Chinaman may be vulgar, but there is no aggressiveness, no blatancy in his vulgarity. The real Chinaman may be stupid, but there is no absurdity in his stupidity. The real Chinaman may be cunning, but there is no deep malignity in his cunning. In fact what I want to say is, that even in the faults and blemishes of body, mind and character of the real Chinaman, there is nothing which revolts you. It is seldom that you will find a real Chinaman of the old school, even of the lowest type, who is positively repulsive”.



Goethe says: "What a long way mankind must have travelled before they came to know how to deal gently even with sinners, to be merciful to law-breakers, and to be human even to the inhuman. Truly they were men of Divine nature who first taught this and who gave their lives for it in order to make the realisation of this possible and to hasten the practice of it. "

当你看到这里,你是否能想起电影“阿甘正传”中的那首歌呢?那首美国五、六十年代的流行男歌手Bob Dylan唱的歌— “Blowing In the Wind”。这里,请允许我将原歌词贴出:

How many roads must a man walk down
  Before you call him a man ?
  How many seas must a white dove sail
  Before she sleeps in the sand ?
  Yes, how many times must the cannon balls fly
  Before they're forever banned ?
  The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind
  The answer is blowin' in the wind.

Yes, how many years can a mountain exist
  Before it's washed to the sea ?
  Yes, how many years can some people exist
  Before they're allowed to be free ?
  Yes, how many times can a man turn his head
  Pretending he just doesn't see ?
  The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind
  The answer is blowin' in the wind.

Yes, how many times must a man look up
  Before he can see the sky ?
  Yes, how many ears must one man have
  Before he can hear people cry ?
  Yes, how many deaths will it take till he knows
  That too many people have died ?
  The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind
  The answer is blowin' in the wind.

