
A Victim of a Washington Street
A white-haired elderly gentleman steps out of his car, briefcase in hand and coat over his arm. He has called from the office to say that he is on the way. His wife is preparing supper. He can see the light shining inside his own from door. He looks forward to a fire and a cup of tea. It is a cold night.A few seconds later he is lying on the sidewalk in a pool of his own blood.
It doesn't happen very often, but it does happen in the capital city of the United States. Mr.John Stennis was the victim of a Washington street crime. He happened to be an important man in the government, but that is not why he was shot. What happened to him could happen to any of us.
Jonh Stennis who is 71, got out of his white Buick Electra at 7:40 p.m. outside his home at 3,609 Cumberland street. Two youths said ,"Get'em up."He put up no resistance. he handed over his wallet containing bank cards, a gold watch and the only money he had in his pockets--twenty-five cents.The youths said ,"We ought to school you any-way."Anyway they said. One bullet hit him in the leg. The other entered his chest just below the pocket of his suit, in narrowly missed his heart.
Jonh Stennis is a government official, but it is unlikely that the two young men knew who he was. What hurt them was that he had no more than twenty-five cents--not enough for two cuups of coffee. One is warned always to carry money on the streets of Washington.

这种事并不经常发生,但它确实发生在了美国的首都华盛顿,John Stennis先生是华盛顿街头犯罪的受害者。他恰巧是政府的一名重要官员,但这并不是他遭枪击的理由。 他所遇到的可能会发生在我们任何人身上。
Jonh Stennis先生71岁, 晚上7:40 他从白色别克车中出来。在离他家不远的3,609 Cumberland 大街. 两个年轻人说:“举起手来!”。他没有反抗举起双手。他交出带有银行卡的钱包,一支金表和他口袋中仅有的25美分.两个年轻人说:"你... 总之我们应该去学校了".说完一颗子弹打中了他的腿。另一颗打中了他的胸膛,刚好射在他西服口袋的下方。勉强躲过了他的心脏。
Jonh Stennis先生是一名政府官员,但是看起来并不像这两个年轻人知道他的身份。是什么惹恼了他们,是他那不够买两杯咖啡的25美分吗?这就给大家提出了一个警告,走在华盛顿街头记得带钱。


第1个回答  2007-12-07
这并不经常发生,但它确实发生在首都的美国。 mr.john stennis是受害者的华盛顿街头犯罪。他正好是一个重要的人,在政府,但事实也不尽然,所以他因此遭到枪击。所发生的事情,他可能会发生在我们中的任何人。
jonh stennis谁是71岁的失控,他的白色别克electra在下午7点40分在自己的家外面,在3609坎伯兰街。两个年轻人说: " get'em起来" ,把没有阻力。他交给了他的钱包含银行卡,金表和唯一的钱,他曾在他的口袋-2 5c ents.the青年说: "我们应该以学校你的任何双向"反正他们说。一颗子弹击中他的腿部。其他进入他的胸部仅低于口袋,他的西装,在狭义错过了他的心。
jonh stennis是政府官员,但它是不大可能的事两名男青年知道他是谁。是什么伤害了他们的是,他已不超过25美分-不够两个c uups的咖啡。一个是提出警告,经常进行清于街头的亲密关系。