
【1】The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months ,----------the sailing time was 226days.
A of which B during which C from which D for which

【2】There was -------------time----------I hated to go to school.
A a that B a when C the that D the when

注:这题是选A吧?可是I hated to go to school不是成分全了吗?那应该用表示状语的,正好是time when ,为什么不选B?还有这句话的句意是什么?

【3】If a shop has chairs ---------women can park their men ,women will spend more time in the shop
A that B which C when D where

第一题:A. 考查介词+关系代词引导定语从句,强调九个月的中的226天,整体部分关系,使用介词of。
当关系代词在定语从句中作介词的宾语时,介词既可以留在原来的位置上,也可以置于关系代词之前,与关系代词共同引导定语从句。当关系代词用到介词后的时候,如果指物用which,指人用whom, 且不能省略,即:介词+which/whom。关系代词之前究竟选用什么介词,可以从以下方面判断。
①The city (which/that) I live in is a beautiful one. = The city in which I live is a beautiful one.
2.The boy (who/whom/that) you talked with is my brother. = The boy with whom you talked is my brother.
①This is the book (which/that) I am looking forward to. = This is the book to which I am looking forward.
②We’ll visit the Mountain Tai, for which Shandong is famous in the world. (be famous for)
注: 若定语从句中的动词为含有介词的短语动词,如果介词提前,失去词组的含义,那么介词不提前。
 例如:That is the book which she was looking for. 此句中for不提前,因为提前后look(看)失去look for(寻找)的含义。其中 先行词为nine months,
3. of 表示整体和部分的关系
There are 66 students in the class, most of whom are from the countryside.
如:I lost a book, the title of which I can’t remember now.
= I lost a book, of which the title I can’t remember now.
= I lost a book, whose title I can’t remember now.

第二题 B。 There was a time when...曾经有一段时间…… 先行词 a time 在从句从充当时间状语,用when 引导定语从句。

第三题 D 此题为高考题。 先行词 chairs, 在从句中充当状语 in the chairs, 表地点,故用where,还可以使用in which。
第1个回答  2012-10-10
第一题先行词是journey,从句应该是the time of the journey
第三题chairs是先行词,如果是which,前面应该还有一个介词in,连起来就是pack their man in chairs,
介词 关代=关副。本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-10-11
答案是ABD,至于第二个题,when为关系副词 因为从句不缺主宾,缺状语 所以选关系副词
When可以转化为 during which