除了杰克以外所有的人都来了翻译show up


show upA. intransitive verb
① (become visible) 显现 the dust on the shelves shows up in the sunlight 搁板上的灰尘在阳光照射下看得一清二楚
② colloquial (arrive) 如约赶到 I wonder when he's going to show up 我不知道他什么时候能来 B. [show up something]transitive verb(make visible) 使显露close examination shows up all the faults in the woodwork 仔细观察就可以看出这件木制品的诸多缺陷
C. [to show somebody up]transitive verb
① colloquial (make feel embarrassed) 使难堪 he got drunk at the party and showed me up 他在聚会上喝醉了,真让我难堪 to show [somebody] up in front of [somebody] 让某人在某人面前难堪 he showed me up in front of all my friends 他在我所有朋友面前让我难堪
第1个回答  2016-08-20
Eveyone except Jack has showed up.
第2个回答  2016-08-20
除了杰克以外所有的人都来了翻译show up
---- All / everyone showed up except Jack.