
Refusal and Utopia
This discussion has focused on only a few areas of Marcuse’s thought ,chosen for their possible relation to public administration theory.It is heady stuff, surprising in the way radical leftist thought of the l 940s through 1 970s connects to,explains,and suggests ways to address the current situation.It can be difficult to hear, in part because it requires setting aside contemporary aversion to metanarrative and broad social theory, and in part because Marcuse may be right:we are increasingly closed off to alternatives as one—dimensional thinking becomes the norm.
Marcuse was pleased at the social resistance among students and intellectuals in the 1960s and 1970s.Though he did not think it sufficient to cause much change,he hoped it might in the long term build toward some thing more significant.He thought change,because of the nature of the current society,would have to take place as a“determinate negation"’in a break with the present(Marcuse,1970,P.76).One way people could express their disapproval of present conditions is the Great Refusal, in which people refuse to participate in much of what modem society offers and requires.This is not a call to a collective social movement.but the withdrawal of individuals from society in the interest of a“pacified existence,”with human qualities that now seem asocial and unpatriotic---qualities such as me refusal of all toughness,togetherness,and brutality:disobedience to the tyranny of the majority;profession of fear and weakness(the most rational reaction to this society!);a sensitive intelligence sickened by that which is being perpetrated;the commitment to the feeble and ridiculed actions of protest and refusal.These expressions of humanity, too.will be marred by necessary compromise—by the need to cover oneself, to be capable of cheating the cheaters, and to live and think in spite of them.(Marcuse,1964,pp.242-243)

本次讨论的重点只是马尔库塞思想的几个领域,它们可能与公共管理理论.它是通过1 970令人兴奋的东西,令人惊讶的方式激进的左派思想升940连接,选择的解释,并提出了以解决当前位置.它可能很难听到的部分,因为它需要拨出当代厌恶元叙述和广泛的社会理论,部分原因是马尔库塞可能是正确的:我们日益封闭,作为一维的思想替代品成为规范。
马尔库塞很高兴看到学生和20世纪60年代知识分子的社会性和1970s.虽然他不认为这足以引起太大的变化,他希望在以后的长远建设,对一些事情更显著.他思想的变化,因为当前社会的性质,就必须以此作为“规定的否定”,在与本(马尔库塞,1970年,临76打破'的地方)。一种方法都可以表达他们对目前的条件不满的是伟大的拒绝,在该人拒绝参加现代社会所提供的责任.它多少是不是一种集体性的社会运动.但调用个人在社会的利益为“平存在的撤出,人的素质”,现在看来反社会和爱国---我的品质,如所有的韧性,团结拒绝和暴行:不服从多数的暴政;恐惧和软弱专业(最合理的反应,这个社会!);一个敏感情报的致病这是正在发生,现就抗议和人类.将拒绝.这表达式的软弱和嘲笑的行动承诺,受到必要的妥协美中不足,由于需要支付自己,成为欺骗作弊能力,以及生活并认为,尽管在其中。(马尔库塞,1964,pp.242 - 243)