有没有马丁路德金的《I have a dream》的读后感


  床头一直有这一本书。银色的封面,大黑的书名。书名左下角有作者的肖像。图的中央有一棵茂盛而不知名的树,落叶满地。翻开内页,中英文相照,包括马丁·路德·金的演说辞和文章,以及霍玉莲女士为他写的传记。虽然这是一本后人做的合辑,但我们还是原滋原味地领略了文化差异下翻译的不同感受。我特意从网上下载了马丁·路德·金的《我有一个梦想》原音:“……We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal……”
第1个回答  2015-06-09
  What better gift can a parent give a child than a vision of a free and just future.This beautiful book is the illustrated text of Dr.Martin Luther King,Jr's speech given in Washington D.C.on August 28,1963.
  The text of King's inspirational speech is illustrated by 14 African American artists/illustrators.Each illustration is attractive and deftly illustrates points in Dr.King's speech.Any of the illustrations could well serve as pictures for someone's wall.Every illustration is noteworthy and inspirational.I love the cover illustration by Leo and Diane Dillon.Other illustrations that I am moved by include You Have Been the Veterans of Creative Suffering by Tom Feelings and The Table of Brotherhood by James E.Ransome.
  This book would serve well for a method to introduce children to Martin Luther King.Whether as a teacher or parent you choose to read the whole text of the speech or discuss King's life and his importance in American history,may depend on the age of the child.While the recommended ages for reading are 4 to 8,a four year old may not understand the message.Certainly,this book would serve as a tool for older children or even adults to get to know King and his message.
  I think that every American should read the text of Dr.Martin Luther King,Jr.'s I have a dream speech.It is as deeply meaningful and powerful today as it was in 1963.What better way to preserve the memory of Martin Luther King's speech than owning a copy of this book either for your children or yourself.This is a truly beautiful book which would be a great and lasting addition to a children's library.