
Another prominent theme in Syriac literature that is reflected in the Chinese texts is the usage of the symbolism of light.In many Syriac hymns God is pictured as the one who dwells in glorious light.Light functions as a symbol of divine goodness,purity,and inscrutability.Fof example,we find the following expressions in Ephraim's Hymns on the Pearl:

I found out that the Son was inconprehensible,since He is wholly Light.(HPearl 1.1)

He cast out abundantly all His gleams upon them that looked upon Him.(HPearl 2.1)

In the covenant of Moses is Thy brightness shadowed forth:in the new covenant Thou dartest in forth:from those first Thy light shineth even unto those last.Blessed be He that gave us Thy gleam as well as Thy bright rays.(HPearl 6.7)

Jesus is frequently referred to as the Lord of Light,the Creator of Light,or as the Lightgiver(sf.Sermon on our Lord,37;HEccl.36;HEpiph.1.11,12).The theme of light is also prominent in the Syriac liturgies.We note the following words addressed to Jesus in the Anaphora of Addai and Mari:

You,the effulgence of your Father's glory and the image of your Begetter's substance,you who were revealed and shone forth in the body of our humanity and enlightened rational beings with the Knowledge of your greatness,enlighten our souls,O my Lord,with the light of your Gospel,and grant us to meditate upon your Scriptures.

In addition,coupled with the symbol of light is the idea of enlightenment.The divine being is not only described in terms of light,but also as the creator and the beshower of light.The idea of God as light and God as enlightening humannity through his light are often found in close proximity in the Syriac tradition.The salvific effect of the revelation of God's light is enlightenment .Therefore,light is not only a symbol for the divine presence ,but it also serves as a salvific metaphor relating to enlightenment.The revelation of the devine light results in the enlightment of all those expected to the light of the gospel.Thus,the preaching of the gospel enlightens the world.We may list the following examples:The Holy One was baptized and straightway went up,and His Light shone forth an the world.Praise to Thy Epiphany that gladdens all,Thou in whose revelation the worlds are lightened!In the Birth of the Son light dawned,and darkness fled from the world,and the earth was enlightened;then let it give glory to the brightness of the Father who has enlightened it!

另一个突出主题叙利亚文学即是反映在使用中文的象征和平光叙利亚颂歌上帝是许多人魂图案作为光荣职责light.light善神的象征,纯洁、inscrutability.fof来说,我们觉得ephraim下列用语的颂歌>珍珠: 我发觉inconprehensible儿子,因为他是全光. (hpearl1.1)投出他自己都十分光明,他们又将他. (hpearl210)<公约示范亮度是摩西出阴影:在新的盟约清高dartest出来:第一,从这些示范琮轻shineth甚至那些被他认为last.blessed给我们示范示范明亮光线以及生机. (hpearl670)耶稣是基督常称为轻,轻的缔造者,或者作为lightgiver(sf.sermon我们勋爵37; heccl.36; hepiph.1.11,12). 主题突出也是针对叙利亚liturgies.we注意以下词的耶稣的照应和马里addai: 你的灿烂你父亲的形象和荣誉贵生产者的物质,被发现和你身上焕发出来的人性和人的理性与知识启迪你伟大,启迪着我们的心灵,我的澳勋爵,根据你福音,给予我们打坐,你们经文. 此外,再加上象征轻的想法是神所enlightenment.the不仅在叙述轻,而且作为创作理念和beshower的重量轻、神为上帝通过他的启发轻人文经常发现,在靠近叙利亚tradition.thesalvific效应启示上帝的启示是轻. 因此,不仅是一个象征光神的存在,但它也成为salvific比喻与启示的圣enlightenment.the轻结果在预料启示所有灯光的gospel.thus,宣扬福音的启示可能world.we名单如下:罗马洗礼之一 而立刻上升,以及他的world.praise光焕发出来的顿悟,欣喜地示范,以其清高的启示锦标赛负担! 在儿子出生轻惊觉,逃离黑暗的世界,地球是那么让它为荣耀;开明的亮度是开明的父亲
第1个回答  2006-12-27
楼上的 只是用在线翻译的网页 不是高手 也没必要冒充```BS
楼主有单词打错 ~~~~~