despite和in spite of以及regardless of的区别,还有用法?

despite和in spite of以及regardless of的区别,还有用法?

In spite of ,despite和regardless of 都是介词类的表达。前两个的意思和 although or even though类似,翻成 虽然,不顾:都是对某两事的对比。两者都较在写作中使用。 Despite要比 in spite of稍微正式点. 它们后面跟名词,代词或动名词
He got the job in spite of his prison record.

He was very fast in spite of being terribly overweight.
还可以 in spite of the fact that or despite the fact that 跟句子
When they arrived at Malaga it was hot, in spite of the fact that it was only the end of April.
regardless of和另两个的区别,看例子
I play soccer every day, regardless of weather. (我每天都踢球,不管天气如何.
NB: 天气可能是好天气,和不好的天气)

I am gonna play soccer this
afternoon, despite the bad weather. (我下午会踢球,即便天气不好.)