英英翻译 200分

2.2.5 The King
The king is the sole inhabitant of asteroid 325, which the Little Prince visits after leaving his own planet. The king insists upon his authority being respected and does not tolerate disobedience; however, since he is a very good man, he makes his orders reasonable. Just before the Prince leaves the king's planet, the latter makes the former an ambassador.
2.2.6 The Snake
Even though the snake the little prince encounters in the desert speaks in riddles, he demands less interpretation than the other symbolic figures in the novel. The snake also has less to learn than many of the other characters. The grown-ups on the various planets are too narrow-minded for their own good, and the prince and the narrator edge closer to enlightenment, but the serpent does not require answers or even ask questions. In fact, the snake is so confident he has mastered life’s mysteries that he tells the prince he speaks only in riddles because he can solve all riddles. In a story about mysteries, the snake is the only absolute. His poisonous bite and biblical allusion indicate that he represents the unavoidable phenomenon of death.

I wanted to mention that relates to the latter conclusion is the extreme importance of preserving true friendship in our lives, which is quickly fading. Being a friend will give an unfallible uniqueness and undying quality to life that nothing else can imitate. During a conversation with a fox, the little prince learns that "'Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy things all ready made at the shops. But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship, and so men have no friends anymore...'" As I look around my high school environment, it is as if the most dramatic change has occured. Beauty, wealth, and social status has so vastly superseded the original qualities people once looked for in a friend, such as trust and compassion, that I cannot stress the importance of this theme enough. When the little prince encountered the many thousands of roses, contradictory to what his single beloved rose told him on his planet, he did not give up that love for his rose, even though there were so many that looked like her. He simply told them about his fox friend: "'...He was only a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But I have made him my friend, and now he is unique in all the world.' And the roses were very much embarassed. 'You are beautiful, but you are empty,' he went on. 'One could not die for you...but in herself alone [his rose] she is more important than all the hundreds of you other roses...'" Like a field of beautiful women the little prince could easily have given in to, the little prince much preferred his one rose to all the hundreds of them. This kind of friendship and love is so rare to find, because as said earlier, "'...there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship...'" and is one of the few things people have left yet to survive on.
用自己的话 (英文)翻译
我说的 很明白 孩子 是英英 翻译!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

用英语 来翻译解释英文


第1个回答  2010-04-29

我想指出,涉及到后者的结论是维护我们的生命,这是真正的友谊迅速衰落的极端重要性。作为一个朋友将给予1 unfallible独特性和永恒的生命质量,没有什么别的可以模仿。在同一个狐狸的谈话中,小王子得知,“'男人没有更多的时间去了解任何事情。他们购买的所有准备在店铺的事物。但没有任何地方,有一店可以买到友谊,所以男性不正如我的朋友再...'"在我高中的环境看,这好像是最戏剧性的变化已经发生。美丽,财富和社会地位,以便极大地取代了原有的品质,曾经看着如信任和同情心的朋友,因为,我不能强调这一主题足够的重视。当小王子遇到有成千上万的玫瑰,对他有什么矛盾单心爱的玫瑰告诉他的星球上他时,他并没有放弃他的玫瑰,为爱,即使有这么多喜欢她。他只是告诉了他的狐狸朋友他们:"'...他只有像100000其他狐狸狐狸。但我做了朋友,现在他是世界上唯一的了。'而玫瑰花十分尴尬。'你是美丽的,但你是空的,'他接着说。'一个不能死你...但她自己独自[他的玫瑰]她比所有的数以百计的重要你其他玫瑰一样美丽的妇女领域的小王子...'"可以很容易地给到,小王子非常喜欢他的一上升到所有的好几百。这种类型的友谊和爱情是如此罕见的,因为正如刚才所说,"'...没有任何地方,有一个店可以买到友谊...'",是人民在没有生存的几件事情之一上。
第2个回答  2010-05-11
2.2.5 The King
The king is the only one living on asteroid 325, which the Little Prince visits after leaving his own planet. The king insists that people should respect his authority and should not disobey him. However, since he is a very good man, his orders are resonable. He makes the Prince an ambassador before he leaves.

2.2.6 The Snake
Although the snake the little prince encounters in the dessert speaks in riddles, he is actually easier to interpret than the other symbolic characters in the novel. Also, the snake does not have as much to learn as the other characters.

The grown-ups on the various planets are too narrow-minded for their own good; the prince and the narrator can only approach enlightenment very slowly, but the serpent is so confident that he no longer needs answers, or even bothers to ask any questions.(注:The grown-ups on the various planets are too narrow-minded for their own good, and the prince and the narrator edge closer to enlightenment, but the serpent does not require answers or even ask questions.这句话我的理解是:其他成年角色思想太狭隘,也就是不尝试去受到启蒙,对他们自己也不好,旁述和小王子也只能很缓慢地向启蒙靠拢,但是蛇自信到认为自己已经完全启蒙,不需任何答案,甚至都不问问题了)In fact, the snake's confidence leads him to believe that he has mastered life's mysteries. He tells the prince the reason he speaks in riddles is because he knows the answers to all riddles. In a story full of mysteries, the snake is made the only absolute figure that does not raise questions. His poisonous bite and reference to the Bible imply that he represents an inevitable phenomenon -- death.

I would like to point out that the latter conclusion explains the extreme importance of true friendship in our lives, which is disappearing quickly nowadays. Engaging in a true friendship makes life unique and unfailingly good like nothing else. In his conversation with the fox, the little prince learns that "Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy things already made at the shops. But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship, and so men have no friends anymore...'" This is what I observed in my high school. The change is so dramatic: beauty, wealth and social status have replaced so much of what we originally look for in a friendship, such as trust and compassion, that I cannot emphasize this theme enough. When the little prince encounters (之前都在用present tense,这里也用好了)the many thousands of roses, unlike what his solely beloved rose has predicted, he does not abandon his love for her, even though all the other roses look like her. Instead, he just tells them about his fox friend, "'...He was only a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But I have made him my friend, and now he is unique in all the world.' And the roses were very much embarassed. 'You are beautiful, but you are empty,' he went on. 'One could not die for you...but in herself alone [his rose] she is more important than all the hundreds of you other roses...'" The field of roses represents all the beautiful women the little prince could have been easily seduced by. Yet, the little prince still prefers his rose to all the hundreds of them. This kind of friendship and love is extremely rare, because as mentioned earlier, "'...there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship...'" and is one of the few things people have left yet to live on.
I wanted to mention that relates (注:应为 relating/related, that在这里是连着后面整个clause的,并不代表主语) to the latter conclusion is the extreme importance of preserving true friendship in our lives, which is quickly fading. Being a friend will give an unfallible(注:应为infallible,通常是形容某事物的对错) uniqueness and undying quality to life that nothing else can imitate.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2010-05-11
2.2.5 The King

After leaving his own planet, the little Prince visits asteroid 325, where the only inhabitant had named himself King. The King demands complete obedience of his laws and orders, which he tries to make fair because he is a good person. The little prince was made ambassador right before leading asteroid 325.

2.2.6 The Snake
The riddle that is the snake is easier to solve than most others encountered by the Little Prince. Though speaking in symbols only, the representation of the snake is clear. The poisonous bite and biblical references both allude the the inevitable: death. Contrasting to characters on other planets, which are often traditional and dull, requiring intervention from the Prince and the narrator to move the plot, the snake is omniscient. It only speaks in riddles because he knows the answers to all of them, because he had mastered all of life's mysteries by gaining control of its ending.

In terms of the conclusion above, I would like to add that true friendship is extremely hard to come by, so if opportunity knocks, that door must be opened. Friendship is a unique and priceless gift, not found anywhere else in life, and so deserves the appropriate maintenance and care. The fox told the Little Price that "'Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy things all ready made at the shops. But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship, and so men have no friends anymore...'" High school constitutes most of my world right now, and as I look around it, I'm astonished. I had just realized that trust, compassion, empathy, the once desired traits in a friend have been replaced by superficial, commercialized entities such as beauty, wealth and status. For the Little Prince, thousands of roses could do nothing to replace his single love, that rose on his home planet, the rose that had seen him go, and would wait for him to come back. He told them about his fox friend: "'...He was only a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But I have made him my friend, and now he is unique in all the world.' Unknowing, he shamed the roses to silence. 'You are beautiful, but you are empty,' he went on. 'One could not die for you...but in herself alone [his rose] she is more important than all the hundreds of you other roses...'" Like a sea of potential love, he turned back to his own, not the slightest bit tempted. Love and relationships like are rare because they take time to develop and mature, like the Little Prince mentioned earlier, "'...there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship...'" but it is nonetheless one of the essentials of life.

第4个回答  2010-04-29
The king is the only person living in the asteroid 325.Later a little prince comes to the asteroid from his own planet.The king thinks he is the king,and the prince must obey his order,but the prince thinks why I should obey your order and evryone should be equal.Then the king has to order the prince reasonably.
When the prince leaves the asteroid,the king appoints the prince his ambassador.The King has no one to obey his order and he has to be alone and lonely because his own authority should be respected