
作文要求: 期中考试就要到了 英语老师为了提高学习效率 广泛征求学生意见 假如你是李华 请根据以下提示 给英语老师写封信 提出你的建议 1适当放慢进度2 给予学生学习方法的指导 3 减少作业量以保证质量 4 给予更多的鼓励

Dear English Teacher:
I'm your student Li Hua. You asked for ideas in class about how we think we can learn english better. Here are some ideas i have.
First, I think you should slow down. You teach us too many things in one lesson, and i can't really understand all of them, and before i can remember them all, you taught me more new stuff. I can't learn well in this condition.
Second, you should give us some ideas about how to learn english. We will lose our interest in english if we don't know how to learn it. You know, when you are not good at something, you will just find it is boring, and then you will not interested in that anymore, and that can be a problem. You don't want to learn the things that you are not interested in, right? But if you give us some plans or just advices about how to learn english, and when we find our way, we will find that english is easy and interesting. So we will love to learn more.
My third point is that you should give us less homework, so that can increase the efficiency. If there are too many homework, then we will be doing them in a big hurry, otherwise we won't finish all the homework. Then of course our qualities of homeworks will be bad, becuase we don't even have time to check if we did the homework right or not.
Last, i think it will be fantastic if you give us more encouragements. encouragements are important, especially when we are going to have tests. encouragements can be our power, it can make us more confident.

That's all the ideas i thought about. Hope you will use them in class.

From:Li Hua
