

the differences between chinese and western parenting is the following aspoects:
1, chinese parenting is more exams scores driving, parents like to judeg their kids by the scores, this gives high pressure to the students in middle school. however, western education is more felixable, it is more interest driving. Parents give more felixable to the children that they can choose their life they want.
2, Chinese parents give too much influence to the personal life of the children, harmful to the personality of different person, so after several years later, every students have the same personality and same goal same wish. In western world, parents give more freedom to let children choose be who they want to be, differents goals and differents personality.
3, Chinese parenting give more consciousness of famiily, parents is more "parents" in their life. after they grown up, they would like to choose the place where near their patents and live with their partents.
第1个回答  2016-12-19
There are differences between Chinese and Western parenting,Chinese parents protect their children very much,they plan everything for the children and do all they could to help their children.they are used to pave the way for their childrent's future life.but western parents give more encouragement and support to their children, they educate them to be independent.for me,I think Western parenting is better, educating children's independence is very important,we can't always depend on our parent because they will become old . when we learn to be independent,we not only help ourselves but also can help others. My ideal parenting style is how to educate children to be independent in life.本回答被网友采纳