

    让我们继续以此闻名:「这家代理商,花了大部分时间在改进它的理念,而不是在辩解它的正确性」。 —— 李奥贝纳
    Let's continue to be famous: "this agent has spent most of the time improving its ideas, and not on the right to justify it.". -- Leo Bernar

    把友谊限于两人范围之内的人,似乎把明智的友谊的安全感与爱的妒嫉和蠢举相混淆。 —— 亚当·斯密
    The friendship within the scope of the two person who seems to have a sense of security, wise friendship confused with love and jealousy fandangle. -- Adam Simy

    才能的火花,常常在勤奋的磨石上迸发。 —— 威廉·李卜克内西
    To spark, often burst in hard stone. -- William Liebknecht

    人类的全部历史都告诫有智慧的人,不要笃信时运,而应坚信思想。 —— 爱献生
    The whole history of mankind tells the wisdom of the people, do not believe in fortune, but should believe the thought. - love offered

    人生的意志和劳动将创造奇迹般的奇迹。 —— 涅克拉索夫
    The will of life and work will create a miracle. -- Nekrasov

    两个恋人当中总是一方爱另一方,而另一方只是听任接受对方的爱而已。这一点对我们大多数人来说,都是一条必须服从的痛苦的真理。可是偶尔也会有两个彼此热恋而同时又彼此被热恋的情况。 —— 毛姆
    The two lovers always love one another, and another is allowed to accept each other's love. This is a painful truth that most of us are to obey. But occasionally there are two love and love each other, but also the situation of being passionately in love. -- Maugham

    人在智慧上应当是明豁的,道德上应该是清白的,身体上应该是清洁的。 —— 契诃夫
    People must be Ming Huo in wisdom, morality should be pure, on the body should be clean. -- Chekhov

