

    人生的磨难是很多的,所以我们不可对于每一件轻微的伤害都过于敏感。在生活磨难面前,精神上的坚强和无动于衷是我们抵抗罪恶和人生意外的最好武器。 —— 洛克

    Life's suffering is a lot of, so we can not be too sensitive to every minor damage. In the face of life's hardships, the spirit of the strong and indifferent is our resistance to evil and life accident the best weapon. -- Rock

    人生并不像火车要通过每个站似的经过每一个生活阶段。人生总是直向前行走,从不留下什么。 —— 刘易斯

    Life is not like a train to pass through each stage of life. Life always go forward, never leave. -- Lewis

    不达成功誓不休。 —— 陈潭秋

    Not to succeed. -- Chen Tanqiu

    科学是到处为家的,不过,在任何不播种的地方,是决不会得到丰收的。 —— 赫尔岑

    Science is everywhere, but it is by no means a harvest in any place where there is no seed. -- Herzen

    爱情只有当它是自由自在时,才会叶茂花繁。认为爱情是某种义务的思想只能置爱情于死地。只消一句话:你应当爱某个人,就足以使你对这个人恨之入骨。 —— 罗素

    Love only when it is take one's ease, will ye fan. Love is an obligation that can only buy the idea of love. Just one sentence: you should love someone, it is enough to make you hated this man. -- Russell

    没有人不爱惜他的生命,但很少人珍视他的时间。 —— 梁实秋

    No one does not care for his life, but few people cherish his time. -- Liang Shiqiu

    温顺的青年人在图书馆里长大,他们相信他们的责任是应当接受西塞罗,洛克,培根发表的意见;他们忘了西塞罗,洛克与培根写这些书的时候,也不过是在图书馆里的青年人。 —— 爱默生

    The young people who grow up in the library, they believe that their responsibility is to accept Cicero, Rock, Bacon, Cicero, Rock, and they forgot to write these books, but also in the library of young people in the library. -- Emerson


第1个回答  2015-08-03
Success belongs to those who apply themselves to work.
no pains,no gains

practice makes perfect
nothing is impossible