

With the further development of knowledge economy, companies hungry for talent has become increasingly strong, personnel training has become the core competitiveness of enterprises to create the primary means of training to become an indispensable work of enterprises. The competition among enterprises is increasingly reflected in staff quality and learning ability of competition, creating high-quality staff to become enterprises to participate in the Competition. Plays an important role in the national economy, large number of SMEs, due to the weak competitive position and the competitiveness of their limited resources, is often difficult to attract high-quality development and the urgent need to adapt their talents to support the development of enterprise itself. Therefore, the business-to-staff training and development is particularly important.
The main characteristics of SMEs in China large, wide, starting point is not high, are more concentrated in labor-intensive industries. Facing the new century, global economic integration and domestic economic restructuring, two major challenges, one of its core issues of development, human resources personnel, third, or talent. Shortage of talent, especially high-quality management personnel and the lack of high-level technical personnel have been seriously hampered the healthy development of SMEs. Therefore, SMEs should be a general increase in the quality of workers, and build a vast, high-quality personnel, training, recruiting and talent as a good reference for SME development is an important strategic task.
In this paper, to solve the problem of human resources development of SMEs, the following suggestions: First, the systematic investigation to determine the target; second, system training, improve the overall quality; third, to strengthen management capacity of SMEs and their managers construction within the system; Fourth, government departments, intensify support; Fifth, actively expand the content of the training system.