

(11) Clever and intelligent as he is , he can never solve this problem alone

答案解析:以上句子为 形容词 + as + 主语+ 谓语,引导让步状语从句,意思,尽管某人.....

句子意思:尽管他很聪明而且理解能力很强,但是他也绝不能一个/单独地/ 独自地解决这个问题

alone 可以做表语,可以作状语.但是不能作的定语

adj. 单独的;独一无二的;独自的
adv. 单独地;独自地;孤独地;只,只有

形容词独自的 When you are alone, you are not with any other people

There is nothing so fearful as to be alone in a combat situation...
He was all alone in the middle of the hall.

Alone is also an adverb.
She has lived alone in this house for almost five years now...
He was sitting alone at a table in a wine bar, smoking a big cigar.

2.形容词单独的(无其他人在场的) If one person is alone with another person, or if two or more people are alone, they are together, without anyone else present

I couldn't imagine why he would want to be alone with me...
My brother and I were alone with Vincent.

3.能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词孤苦伶仃的;无依无靠的;孤单的 If you say that you are alone or feel alone, you mean that nobody who is with you, or nobody at all, cares about you

Never in her life had she felt so alone, so abandoned...
He found himself alone in a hostile world.

4.仅仅;只 You say that one person or thing alone does something when you are emphasizing that only one person or thing is involved

You alone should determine what is right for you...
They were convicted on forensic evidence alone.

5.副词单单(强调部分或整体的数量) If you say that one person or thing alone is responsible for part of an amount, you are emphasizing the size of that part and the size of the total amount

The BBC alone is sending 300 technicians, directors and commentators...
Megastars like Jack Nicholson, who made $500 million from Batman alone, are unlikely to be affected.

6.唯一的 If someone is alone in doing something, they are the only person doing it, and so are different from other people.

Newcastle is far from alone. Colleges around the country have developed programmes of student support...
Am I alone in thinking that this scandal should finish his career?

Alone is also an adverb.
Alone among the major candidates, Gaviria expressed a determination to continue the campaign to defeat the drugs cartels...
I alone was sane, I thought, in a world of crazy people.

7独力;单独 When someone does something alone, they do it without help from other people

Bringing up a child alone should give you a sense of achievement... 自己一个人带大孩子会给你一种成就感。
He was working alone and did not have an accomplice. 他在单干,没有同伙。

8.短语单独行动;独自干 If you go it alone, you do something without any help from other people

I missed the stimulation of working with others when I tried to go it alone. 当我试图单干时,我很怀念与他人一起工作的那股兴奋劲。
第1个回答  2013-12-05
11.尽管他很聪明,但是他还不能独自解决问题 此处需要用副词alone“独自 自己”来修饰前面的内容 lonely是“孤独的 寂寞的意思”举例:he is alone at home,but he feels not lonely.他独自在家,但是不孤单。C和D没有这词
10.人们对什么什么事务已经有很长的迷信观念了 此处用现在完成时态 从过去的到现在这个观念一直存在 应该是选A呀
2.back readings 算是固定搭配吧 回过头来阅读或者课后阅读 catch up on弥补 赶做..
28.hairs可以表示“几根头发”的意思 当做可数名词 用many,a few,some等词来修饰 选项A hair需加s hairs 统称头发hair就是不可数名词 比如i am washing my hair now,我正在洗头发 此处hair广义上统称头发
30.wit这个词首先需要加's' 才能表达“智慧”的意思 此处加s后 还需修饰后面的名词end wits'用做形容词 以S结尾的只需加“'”比如 教师节 Teachers' Day at your wits'end "不知所措" 原句意思为当你不知所措时,你应该三思(动动脑子) 也可以固定记住这个搭配 at your wits' end 答案请采纳 一定要悬赏分哟 谢谢追问


第2个回答  2013-12-05