

第1个回答  2010-09-02
First of all, I feel quite sorry that I disappoint you,but to be honest,I don't like job because it makes feel stressful and tired. During these day,I spent lots of time looking for a commodity in many work stations blindly,this makes me quite exhausted.Though I have learnt lots of knowledge,this is not what I want.There are no other reasons except that I just don't like this job.If possible,I hope I can go back to work in Carouse.Thanks again for your cultivation.
Finally I still want to say sorry again and wish you all the very best!
第2个回答  2010-09-02
oh god i hate this job!it make me fuck crazy now enough !asshole! ihate here everything ! eveybody like foolish dunky play me like a monkey ! oh damen! hope you everybody go to hell !! thank you !!