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Paul the World Cup octopus dies in his tank in Germany
Paul the World Cup octopus dies in his tank in Germany

Paul the octopus, an unlikely star of the 2010 World Cup who 'predicted' the outcome of seven matches, has died at an aquarium in Germany.

Staff at the Sea Life centre in Oberhausen said they were "devastated" to learn that he had passed away during the night.

Paul made his name by successfully choosing a mussel from one of two boxes bearing the flags of competing nations.

Octopuses rarely live beyond two years so his death was not unexpected.

Paul was two-and-a-half years old and had been hatched at another centre at Weymouth in England in 2008.

Uncanny knack

The centre's manager, Stefan Porwoll, said that Paul had correctly guessed the winner of all Germany's World Cup matches, including their defeat, and had "enthused people across every continent".

As the tournament progressed, the octopus's uncanny knack of selecting the correct box drew increasing interest from the world's media, culminating in his choice of Spain as the eventual winner.

He became an instant hero in Spain, prompting a request to have him put on display at Madrid zoo.

Amid the euphoria, he was even made an honorary citizen of a Spanish town before being made an ambassador for England's 2018 World Cup bid.

The Oberhausen centre said he had seemed fine when last checked on Monday night but was found dead on Tuesday morning.

The prophetic cephalopod's brief but extraordinary life is unlikely to be forgotten.

A documentary has been filmed and books and toys are already planned for the Christmas market.

"It's a sad day. Paul was rather special but we managed to film Paul before he left this mortal earth," said his agent, Chris Davies.

A memorial is to be erected at the aquarium in his memory.


















第1个回答  2010-10-27
JAKARTA, Oct. 26 (Xinhua) -- Indonesia's tsunami caused by earthquake in West Sumatra of Indonesia has killed at least 113 people with 502 people missing, officials said on Tuesday.

The tsunami hit two islands of Pagaiselatan Mentawai and Pagaiutara Mentawai in West Sumatra after the 7.2 magnitude quake which was reported by the USGS at 7.7 magnitude.

"The death toll has reached 113 now," head of crisis center of Health Ministry Mujiharto told Xinhua by phone.

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Head of local House of Representatives at the island Hendri Dori Satoko was quoted by Metro TV as saying that 502 people have gone missing so far.

Medical team has been dispatched to the scene and they took with them 200 body bags, said Mujiharjo.

The Meteorology and Geophysics Agency admitted that small tsunamis occurred five minutes after the mainshock at 7.2 magnitude at 21:42 p.m. Jakarta time Monday (1442 GMT), although it lifted the warning about half a hour after the mainshock.

"The tsunami occurred with the height at 0.461 meters," an official of the agency named only Sutiyono told Xinhua by phone.

But, a report said that the height of the water reached 3 meters high in Silabu village at Pagaiutara Mentawai island, head of crisis center of Health Ministry named only Mujiharto told Xinhua by phone.

Edward said that the tsunami also destroyed one bridge and five houses.

But, head of crisis center said that 80 percent of the houses at Betumonga village at Pagaiutara Mentawai island have been levelled. One tourist boat loaded with eight Australian citizens and 5 crew members has lost contact, he said.

Another tourist boat was burned but no one was hurt, said Edward.

The intensity of the quake was felt at 4 to 5 MMI (Modified Mercally Intensity) at Pagaiselatan Mentawai, 3 to 4 MMI in Padang city, the capital of West Sumatra province and Pariaman town of the province, and 3 MMI at nearby Bengkulu province, the official of the agency told Xinhua. West Sumatra was hit by a powerful quake of 7.9 magnitude in September 2009, which killed more than 1,000 people and caused massive damage on infrastructure.






