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On May 5, Hubei Shiyan Maojian District Xu received a Xichuan traffic police division of the full responsibility of the accident found that regret to say: "in order to grab the envelopes of 5 cents, the loss of 5 million yuan, is the driving habits cause disaster."

5月2日,徐某开车到淅川游玩,驾驶途中听到手机响,提示微信朋友正在发红包,为了不被别人抢到,自认为驾驶技术娴熟的徐某边开车边开始摆弄手机,不想就 在他视线转移的瞬间,自己的车与停在路边的一辆宝马轿车相撞,万幸的是双方无人员伤亡。面对淅川交警的再三询问,徐某不得不道出了开车抢红包的事故真相。 后经保险公司对宝马轿车核定,损失高达5万余元,而徐某只参加了交强险,也就是说,徐某只有自己掏腰包赔付这笔巨款了。

On May 2, Xu drove to Xichuan play, driving all the way to hear the phone ring, tip micro believe friends are red packets, in order not to be someone else grab, since that driving skilled Xu Moubian while driving began playing with the phone, do not want to is in his eyes the moment, my own car and stop on the side of the road of a BMW car collided. Fortunately the two sides without casualties. In the face of repeated questioning of the traffic police in Xichuan, Xu had to get out of the car to grab the truth of the red envelope. After the insurance company to BMW approved, the loss of up to 5 million yuan, and Xu in the compulsory insurance, that is to say, Xu a only their own dig pocket payment this huge sum of money.
第1个回答  2016-05-07