
1.你知道2004年奥运会的主题曲是什么吗?(theme) 2.杭州休博会(Leisure Expo)为游人提供了各种各样的娱乐项目(various) 3.无论你去哪里,无论你做什么,我都会在这里等你(wherever)
4.他已自学了高等数学.(advanced) 5.世界上最长的胡子达到1.83米.(length)

1. Do you know the theme of 2004 Olympic Game?
2.Hangzhou Leisure Expo provides various attraction for tourists.
3.Wherever you go; whatever you do;I will be there and waiting for you.

4.He learned advanced Mathematics by himself.
5.The length of the largest mustache in the world reaches 1.83 meter.

第1个回答  2010-11-20

1.DO you know what is the Theme song of the 2004 Olympic Games?

2.Hang Zhou Leisure Expo provides Various fo entertainment programs

3.whenever you will go,whatever you will do, I shall wait for you here.

4.He has teach himself the Advanced Match subject.

5.The longest length of beard reachs to 1.83 meter.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-11-20
1.Do you know the theme song of the 2004 Olympics is anything? 2. Hangzhou Leisure Expo (Leisure Expo) provide visitors a wide variety of entertainment (various)