

第1个回答  2016-02-26
1) They play football on Sunday.
Football is played by them on Sunday.
2) They are playing football now .
Football is being played by them now.
3) They played football yesterday.
Football was played by them yesterday.
4) They will play football this Sunday.
Football will be played by them this Sunday.
5) They must play football on Sunday.
Football must be played by them on Sunday.
6) They were playing football when I swa them.
Football was being played when I swa them.
7) They said they would play football this Sunday.
They said football would be played by them this Sunday.
8) When I arrived, they had played football.
When i arrived, footabll had been played by them.
9) They have played football for two hours.
Football has been played by them for two hours.本回答被网友采纳