

The higher mathematics is each specialized basic course. It provides the essential mathematical instrument for the successor curriculum and the scientific research. Its primary coverage includes: Function and limit, derivative and differential, theorem of mean and derivative application, indefinite integral, definite integral and application, space analytic geometry and vector algebra, function of many variables differential method and application, multiple integral and curvilinear integral, infinite series, differential equation and so on. Emphatically introduction its basic concept, elementary theory and fundamental operation.
第1个回答  2017-12-29
higher mathematics 或者 advanced mathematics。

higher mathematics
This paper preliminary studied the two respects of teaching and examination of higher mathematics.

advanced mathematics

高等数学; 一、高等数学; 高等数学;

In this paper, we discuss
that psychology is applied in the teaching advanced mathematics.

第2个回答  2009-03-03
The higher mathematics is each specialized basic course. It provides the essential mathematical instrument for the successor curriculum and the scientific research. Its primary coverage includes: Function and limit, derivative and differential, theorem of mean and derivative application, indefinite integral, definite integral and application, space analytic geometry and vector algebra, function of many variables differential method and application, multiple integral and curvilinear integral, infinite series, differential equation and so on. Emphatically introduction its basic concept, elementary theory and fundamental operation的微分法及其应用,重积分与曲线积分,无穷级数,微分方程等。着重介绍其基本概念,基本理论和基本运算。