

《The Ugly Duckling》
"The Ugly Duckling” is a fairy tale(童话故事)by Danish poet and author (丹麦诗人和作者)Andersen(作者:安徒生(全名Hans Christian Andersen)).The story tells of a homely little duckling born in the depths of a forest in a countryside(介绍发生地点).The poor duckling suffers much abuse from his neighbors until,much to his delight and to the surprise of others,he turns into a graceful swan(天鹅),the most beautiful bird of all.(从第二句开始为故事简介)
I like the beautiful and sad(凄美的) story very much .What touch me the most(感触最深的是) is the very tired ,sad and loney look of the poor little thing after running off his original home.No one understands him that he’s so loney and helpless.
Anyway,the ugly ducklin finally becomes a beautiful swan.It tells us that we should never judge from appearance(人不可貌相)(或者从we should never开始换成a man cannot be judged by his looks,nor can the sea be measured with a bushel basket(海水不可斗量)).(此段既是主题又是给我的启示)
第1个回答  2023-06-07

The Ugly Duckling

Once there was an ugly duckling. The other ducks didn't like him because he was different from them. He was big and gray and his feathers were messy. The poor ugly duckling was very sad. One day, he ran away from the pond and he met new friends. They loved him for who he was. As time went by, the ugly duckling grew into a beautiful swan. Finally, he realized that it didn't matter if he was different from others as long as he was happy.


- Ugly duckling:丑小鸭

- Ducks:鸭子

- Messy:乱七八糟的

- Sad:伤心的

- Ran away:跑路了

- New friends:新朋友

- Loved:爱他

- Grew into:成长为

- Beautiful swan:美丽天鹅

- Realized:意识到

- Didn’t matter:没关系

- Different:不同的

- Happy:快乐的。
