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The story of an ugly duckling

  Only in the final from the shell of the ducklings to climb out of is so ugly, he always picks endure, being excluded by the ridicule, not only in the case of ducks, even in flocks as well.

       "He is too big!" Everyone says that. That turkey hung born from the feet there, so he thought he was a king. Blowing his own drum like a boat full of wind, come come back to him, staring at a pair of big eyes, blood red. This poor Duckling did not know where the stand or where to do go. He felt very sad because they look so ugly, and all the chickens and ducks have become the object of ridicule.

        This is the first day the situation. Was getting worse. We all have to drive this poor ducklings; even his own brothers and sisters told him angry. They always said: "You ugly monster, I hope that you captured cat to do!" So my mother said: "I hope you go far more!" Peck Cryptotaenia have him, they beat him chicks, fed domestic chickens and ducks that people who kicked him.

        So he escaped over the fence. Birds in the bush they flew into the air with horror. "This is because the reason I am very ugly!" Like ducklings.闭起眼睛he continued to flee. He went to a breath of the swamp is home to many ducks. He has been lying here all night, because he was very tired and frustrated.

        Dawn when the ducks are flying up. They looked to the new friends.

       "You are who you?" They asked. Ducklings look out to the side, look off to the side, as far as possible, respectfully to salute all of you.

       "You're ugly too much!" Mallard said. "But as long as you do not like anyone in our family to get married, this is what we倒也没great relationship." Poor little things! Did not think he should want to get married; he can only hope that they allow him to lie down on reed inside, drink swamp enough water.

        He lay there a full two days. Later two Yan ----- Strictly speaking, it should be said that both the public and wild, for they are the two men flying a -----. From mother to climb out of the shell where not long, so they are very naughty.

       "Listen, friend," They said, "You ugly too cute, even I could not help but to like you. You do a migratory bird, fly away together with us, please? Very close from here, there is a swamp There are several lovely sweet雁儿only. They are, Miss, will say: 'Ga!' You are so ugly, where they can touch your luck! "

       "噼!啪!" The sky a noise issue. These two public reed goose falls, the dead, the water was dyed red. "噼!啪!" Is a sound.雁儿cluster fly in from the reeds, and therefore it is up a gun sound. It was in the original large-scale hunting. Are ambush hunters around in this marsh, there are several people out of reeds and even sitting in the branches above. Blue cloud of smoke, as if filled in between these black tree, the water slowly to the distant飘去. At this time, all dogs thump thump from running around in the mud, rush and reed倒去to both sides. This is only the poor ducklings that really terrible things to come! Come out of his head, hiding in the wings. Is this time, a large hound came horrifying tightly on his side. Its tongue protruding from the mouth is very long, ugly and terrible eyes and sent the light. Its nose to the top of Little Duck's body, exposing the sharp teeth, but the thump! Thump and ran away, did not he taken away.

       "Ah, Thank you, God!" Little Duck relieved, "I'm ugly do not even dogs bite me!"

        He lay down quietly. Reed where gunfire is still ringing, and then run out of bullets to shoot to.

       天快黑time around only to resume the quiet. But it is still poor Duckling did not dare to stand up. He waited for several hours, a dare to look around, and he hurried out of this swamp, desperately running to the field back and forth, back and forth to the ranch.刮着winds at this time is that he ran up very difficult.

        To the dark, he came to a simple farm hut. It is so dilapidated, do not even know what should be one-sided to do, there will be no reversing it. Call sign in the Little Duck winds around very much, he had no choice but to sit down and wind. The more fierce wind blowing. He suddenly saw that the door on a hinge has loosened, the door is also wrong, he can slot into the house, he went into.

        The house has an old woman and her cat, there is a hen, they live with. Old woman to cat abuse called "the little boy." He can carry very high arch, issued the call to Mimi; him迸出can spark, but he does so, you have to ask the anti-into his hair before. Hen the腿又only a short and small, so she called the "chicken短腿." She gave birth to the eggs very well, so the old woman loved her as his own love child.

The next morning, they immediately took note of this from an unknown source, the ducklings. That cat called Mimi started, it also giggle hen up to shout.

  "This is about how children?" The old woman said, looking in all directions at the same time. But her eyes a bit to spend, so she thought that was a fat duck ducklings, have followed the wrong path, only to go here. "This is really rare in luck!" She said, "Now I can have the duck. I just hope he is not a drake to do! I have to find out!"

  In this way, ducklings here stood the test of three weeks, but he did not born with eggs. That cat is this gentleman, it is the hen's wife, so they began to say: "We and the world!" Because they think they are half the world, but also the best half it. Little Duck also feel that they can have different views, but he's such an attitude, hens can not stand it.

  "You can lay eggs right?”

  "Then please do not express their views."

  So Tomcat said: "Can you arch the back and the call issued by Mimi and sparks迸出it?"


  "Then, when the wise men in his speech, you will not need to express their views!"

  Duckling sat in a corner, the mood is very bad. Then he remembered the fresh air and sunshine. He has a strange desire: think of the water go swimming. Finally, he really could not have had the feelings that come out of the hen. "What you thought?" Asked the hen. "You did not thing to do, so you have these strange thoughts. You just how many eggs, or giggle in叫几声, then you have these strange thoughts will not." "However, swimming in the water is how happy my children! "Duck said," Let your head submerged in water, to the bottom of a drill, that is how happy my children! "" Yes, it must be very happy! "hen said," You really are crazy. ask your cat to you I know all the friends, he is the most intelligent to ask him like you do not like swimming in the water, or go into the water. I do not let myself. you Ask your old lady owner of the bar, the world's no smarter than her people! you think she'd like to go swimming, so that her head submerged in water it? "" You do not understand me. "Little Duck said. "We do not understand you? Well, I would like to ask who understand you? You will be no more than a clever cat and hostess bar, I did not mention my own first. My child, you do not think great! For you to be taken care of now, you Thank God should be. you are now to a warm house to come, with some friends, but also to learn from them a lot of things, is not it? you are a waste, however, you really do not happy with. You can Believe me, I tell you that they did not sound good, then is it in order to help you. Only in this way, you know who is your true friend! learning to draw your attention to lay eggs, or cackle, or sparks迸出it! "

  "I think I went well into the wider world." Little Duck said.

  "Well, you go!" Said the hen.

  Little Duck was left. He later in the water upstream, while going into the water. However, because he looks ugly, all the animals are looked down on him. The autumn came. Leaves the woods turned into a yellow and brown. The wind up them, fly them into the air. The air is very cold and the clouds carrying hail and heavy snow, and hung low. Crow standing on the fence, the cold just "born" to call. Yes, you need to do is think about this scenario, it will feel cold. This poor Duckling did not feel the time.

  One night, when the beautiful sun is going down, when a group of beautiful birds flying in from out bush. Ducklings have never seen such beautiful things. They have illuminated white, neck long and soft. This is the swan. They issued a strange call, start their long beautiful wings, from the cold into the warmth of the land area, into the lake does not freeze.

  They fly very high so high, can not help feeling a kind of an ugly duckling can not say the excitement. He is like a wheel in water if kept rotating, and at the same time the neck of their high伸着to issue a loud, strange sounds, he was also afraid of them. Ah! He never forget these beautiful birds, the bird of happiness. When he can not see them, he would sink into the bottom; but when he re-take the time up to the surface, it is very empty. He did not know the names of these birds, do not know what they have to fly places. However, he loved them, as if he had never loved anything yet though. He did not envy them. How could he as a beautiful dream that they do? Cryptotaenia else as long as he is permitted to live together with them, he would have been very satisfied with the poor ugly thing.

Become very cold in winter, very cold! Duckling had to swim in the water to go upstream, so water will not completely freeze结成冰. However, he's swimming in a small area in one day than at night to reduce night. Water is frozen, people can hear the sound of ice cracking. Ducklings had no choice but to use his legs in a non-stop swimming in the water was completely frozen so that live in water. Finally, he collapsed and lay motionless, with the knot with ice.

  Early in the morning, there is a farming people through here. He saw this Little Duck, went to the ice踏破with clogs, and then把他抱home, gave his wife. Little Duck then gradually restored to consciousness.

  He would like the children are playing, but the Duckling thought they wanted to harm him. Afraid of him going on the jump plate of milk and the milk was splashed all over the house. Exclaimed a woman up, patting his hands. In this way, Little Duck butter on the fly to the basin, and then flew into the flour bucket on to the final climb out of it. At this time, he does look like it! Woman screaming and called up, beat him with tongs. The children crowded to do a mission, he would like to seize. They are laughing, it is called! Fortunately, the door was open. Shrubs into the forest he new to the snow there. He lay there, almost the same as collapsed.

  If this winter to talk about his suffering and disaster, then the story is so sad. When the sun began to warm the earth to act, he is lying in the reeds in the marshes. Lark sang this song to a beautiful spring.

  All of a sudden, he raised his wings: wings beat up that much stronger than before, asked him to immediately driven off. He had unknowingly flew into a great garden. Apple trees are blooming here; lilac aroma exudes, its long green branches down to the winding stream. Ah, here, very beautiful, full of spring flavor! Three beautiful white swans from the tree shade has been reached to him.轻飘飘them to float in the water, blow blow feathers sound issued. Little Duck identify these beautiful animals, so the heart could not feel sad.
"I want to fly them into these noble birds! But they will kill me because I was so ugly, even dare to approach them. But this has nothing to do! Than being killed by a duck bitten by the chickens peck, the duck farm in the custody of the maids who suffer in the winter and play much better! "So he flew to the water to swim to a beautiful swan. The animals see him, immediately put up his feathers to travel to. "You killed me!" It said poor ducklings. His head down low to the water, just waiting for death. But in this clear water to see anything at all? He saw his own reflection. But that is no longer a clumsy, and dark gray, and the ducks又丑又annoying, but a swan!

  If you are a swan eggs, even if born in the duck farm also has nothing to do.

  The past, he suffered so much misfortune and suffering, but now he was very happy. He is now clearly recognized that the well-being of the United States are being beckoned to him. Many large swan around in his swimming, his mouth to pro.

  The garden to a few children. Water thrown on their slice of bread and the grain of many. Cried the youngest children:

  "You see only the new swan!" Other children cried happily: "Yes, again a new swan!" So they拍着手, dance to their father and mother ran. They have more to bread and pastries around like water, but everyone says that: "This is a new beautiful! So young, so pretty!" Those who can not help the old swans bowed his head in front of him.

  He was very embarrassed. He hid his head inside the wings, I do not know how to do. He was too happy, but he is not proud of, because a good heart is never proud. He remembered how he had been persecuted and ridiculed before, but now he has to hear you say that he is a beautiful bird in one of the most beautiful. Lilac branches in front of him to go down to the water. Sun very warm, very happy. He put up feathers, his long neck stretched out, from the heart of a happy voice:

  "When I was an ugly duckling, I never anticipated that there will be so happy!"
第1个回答  2009-05-09
乡下真是非常美丽。这正是夏天!小麦是金黄的,燕麦是绿油油的。干草在绿色的牧场 上堆成垛,鹳鸟用它又长又红的腿子在散着步,噜嗦地讲着埃及话。(注:因为据丹麦的民 间传说,鹳鸟是从埃及飞来的。)这是它从妈妈那儿学到的一种语言。田野和牧场的周围有些大森林,森林里有些很深的池塘。的确,乡间是非常美丽的,太阳光正照着一幢老式的房子,它周围流着几条很深的小溪。从墙角那儿一直到水里,全盖满了牛蒡的大叶子。最大的叶子长得非常高,小孩子简直可以直着腰站在下面。像在最浓密的森林里一样,这儿也是很荒凉的。这儿有一只母鸭坐在窠里,她得把她的几个小鸭都孵出来。不过这时她已经累坏了
最后,那些鸭蛋一个接着一个地崩开了。“噼!噼!”蛋壳响起来。所有的蛋黄现在都 变成了小动物。他们把小头都伸出来。 “嘎!嘎!”母鸭说。他们也就跟着嘎嘎地大声叫起来。他们在绿叶子下面向四周看。 妈妈让他们尽量地东张西望,因为绿色对他们的眼睛是有好处的。“这个世界真够大!”这些年轻的小家伙说。的确,比起他们在蛋壳里的时候,他们现在的天地真是大不相同了。“你们以为这就是整个世界!”妈妈说。“这地方伸展到花园的另一边,一直伸展到牧师的田里去,才远呢!连我自己都没有去过!我想你们都在这儿吧?”她站起来。“没有,我还没有把你们都生出来呢!这只顶大的蛋还躺着没有动静。它还得躺多久呢?我真是有些烦了。”于是她又坐下来。“唔,情形怎样?”一只来拜访她的老鸭子问。“这个蛋费的时间真久!”坐着的母鸭说。“它老是不裂开。请你看看别的吧。他们真是一些最逗人爱的小鸭儿!都像他们的爸爸——这个坏东西从来没有来看过我一次!”“让我瞧瞧这个老是不裂开的蛋吧,”这位年老的客人说,“请相信我,这是一只吐绶鸡的蛋。有一次我也同样受过骗,你知道,那些小家伙不知道给了我多少麻烦和苦恼,因为他们都不敢下水。我简直没有办法叫他们在水里试一试。我说好说歹,一点用也没有!——让我来瞧瞧这只蛋吧。哎呀!这是一只吐绶鸡的蛋!让他躺着吧,你尽管叫别的孩子去游泳
星期也没有关系。” “那么就请便吧,”老鸭子说。于是她就告辞了。
第2个回答  2009-05-10
乡村真美。此时正值夏季,田里的小麦都呈现金黄色而燕麦依然青绿。 干草被堆放在低洼的草地上,广阔的树林围绕着
终于蛋一个接一个地开始裂了。 “吱,吱!”小鸭们叫着。“呱,呱!”母鸭回道。“这个世界好大啊!”小鸭子异口同声道。

The countryside was lovely. It was summer. The wheat was golden and the oats were still
green. The hay was stacked in the low-lying meadows. There lay great woods around the fields and meadows.
There were deep lakes in the midst of the woods. In the sunniest spot stood an old mansion surrounded by a deep moat.
Great leaves grew from the vines on the walls of the house right down to the water's edge.
Some of the leaves were so big that a child could use them as an umbrella.
In the depths of a forest a duck was sitting in her nest. Her little ducklings were about to be hatched.
At last one egg after another began to crack." Cheep, cheep!" the ducklings said." Quack, quack!" said the duck.
" How big the world is!" said all the young ones.


But the biggest egg was still there. And then she settled herself on the nest again.
"Well, how are you getting on?" said an old duck who came to pay her a visit." This egg is taking such a long time," answered the sitting duck."
The shell will not crack, but the others are the finest ducklings. They are like their father."
"let me look at the egg which won't crack," said the old duck." You may be sitting on a turkey's egg!
I have been cheated like that once. Yes. it's a turkey's egg!
You had better leave it alone and teach the other children to swim."
"I will sit on it a little longer."


At last the big egg cracked. How big and ugly the baby was! " That is a very big duckling." she said,
" None of the others look like that. Can he be a turkey's chick?
I will soon find out. I will make him go into water."
The next day the mother duck with her family went down to the moat. She said, and one duckling jumped in after another.
The big ugly one swam about with them." No, that is no turkey," she said," Quack, quack! Now come with me