
同学们、老师们,建设良好学风需要我们大家持之以恒的努力。茫茫学海中,我们要做勇敢的水手,乘风破浪、勇往直前。让我们把握生命中的每一天, 用我们的智慧和勇气扬起理想的风帆,用我们的青春和生命奏响时代的强音。抛弃迷茫,把握航向,在我们的共同努力下,让优良学风吹进书声朗朗的课堂里,让文明之花盛开在校园的每一个角落!

问题补充:不能是在线翻译一类的.是要上交的,所以请各位高手哥哥姐姐多 多帮忙.也许悬赏分不是很多,但是我急用!先谢谢各位高手哥哥姐姐了!!!

The atmosphere of a school is a wisp of pleasant breeze, is a kind of atmosphere, is 1 kind to pursue, is also a kind of spirit.It such as quite blue sky, solemn and dignified;It imitates the white cloud of Buddha elegance, elegant and very clear.The atmosphere of a school is the concrete embodiment that the student thoughts style on the study, is the spirit, attitude, style, method that the student displays in the aspects of studying and habitually the comprehensive embodiment of etc. main factor.The good atmosphere of a school is a motive force and urge our assiduous study actively enterprising;The good atmosphere of a school coagulates dint and is advantageous to the collectivism spirit that develops us.The good atmosphere of a school can encourage will to fight, the development reforms creative time spirit;The good atmosphere of a school can whet to do quality, the morals vogue of development trustworthiness friendly affection, the good atmosphere of a school is a school development student to thought the root place of idea and value mindset.
Initiate good atmosphere of a school, our university student is a direct construction, is also the biggest to be subjected to a benefit of.Whole see from current my student of the school, the main current of atmosphere of a school is diligence to go forward, assiduous earnest.Big parts of classmates have great ambition, they are actively enterprising and pay attention to develop completely.But, atmosphere of a school falsely of problem still existence:on the teaching, excessively Be fixed attention on to employment, make university student unilateral to pursue "certificate" and rush through a field of the phenomenon of "the set reads" pretty much universal, lost humanities character;On the study, minority of classmates study desultoriness at ordinary times, the cheat in an examination is nothing new;Parts of classmates thought last value the study of professional knowledge, the collective idea is weak thin;The classmate that still has craves for to play joy and pursues to enjoy.Deal with affairs to take ego as center, sink Mian in talk that the feeling says loves, the net is last to chat and play games, begs to live natural and unrestrained and happily.This kind of lacks diligent spirit, doesn't speak a trustworthiness and carries out to seek pleasant and the behavior of the money worship, can be treated as white white wasted youth time, seriously influenced atmosphere of a school construction.
We hope campus to welcome good atmosphere of a school the strong humanities atmosphere is with the construction, but feel keenly the hardship and long term of atmosphere of a school construction again in the meantime.Good atmosphere of a school such as kindly influence of teacher, change and influence imperceptibly ground to guide each student strives forward, therefore we have a responsibility to constuct it, support it and develop it.The atmosphere of a school construction requests us to even want to pay attention to construct a kind of the atmosphere that academic association does a person to let the university student know to is the basic quality and basic attitude that the person should have while grasping study.Is the ability that learns to seek knowledge, learn in various situation to be good at emergency ability, learn concern, academic association cooperation, academic association competition, academic association incorporation.
The classmates and the teacherses constuct good atmosphere of a school to need our persistent effort.In the boundless ocean of learning, we want to be a brave sailor and brave the wind and waves, go forward courageously.Let us hold life in of each , raise ideal sail of boat with our intelligence and courage, move the strong sound of ringing the ages with our youths and life.Abandon fan Mang, hold a direction, under our joint efforts, make the good atmosphere of a school blown into the classroom of book voice Lang Lang, make the flower of civilization bloomed in each corner of campus!
第1个回答  2009-03-13
第2个回答  2009-03-14
第3个回答  2009-03-19
第4个回答  2009-03-27