

曹操20岁时就任顿丘县令。黄巾起义爆发后,他受任为骑都尉,因镇压颍川波才所领导的黄巾军有功,升为济南相。公元192年,他占据兖州,根据黄巾军无后勤供应的特点,采取昼夜奔袭的战术,破青州黄巾,收降后编精锐30万,组成“青州军”,势力开始壮大。初平四年,借为父报仇之名攻伐陶谦。但杀戮过多,引起陈宫、张邈反感,联合吕布占据濮阳,操回救失利。后从荀彧计“根深固本以制天下”,三攻兖州,设伏在定陶打败吕布,收复失地。后因粮草不济,遣散军士 20余万,使任俊屯田许昌,利用荒田命令军队从事耕作以自给,谓军屯,召募流亡农民,施民屯,开始了北方经济复兴。
建安十六年,曹操率军与马超等部对峙于潼关,操正面佯攻引关中军向潼关集中,造成其后防空虚,派徐晃等偷渡蒲坂津建立桥头堡,随后引全军渡河,垒沙冻冰为寨拒守,伏兵击败马超的偷袭。在离间韩遂得手后,便发起总攻,以轻骑诱敌再次伏击得手,马超大败。四年后讨伐张鲁攻占汉中。但因定军山主帅夏候渊轻敌被斩,不得不放弃汉中退守长安。公元216年,受封为魏王。曹操善用兵,通兵法,著有《孙子略解》,《兵书接要》等著作。他又善于诗文,现在还存有诗20 余首、较完整的散文40余篇,都为后人所传诵。
第1个回答  2009-05-18


曹操统一北方的积极作用。 前已叙及,东汉王朝后期,由于政治黑暗,社会生产遭到严重破坏,人民无法生活,终于爆发了轰轰烈烈的黄巾大起义。但在当时的历史条件下,农民起义不可能取得最终的胜利,继之而来的是东汉王朝的解体和军阀混战。在混战中,不仅董卓、李傕等凉州军阀到处屠杀人民,抢劫财物,就是打着勤王旗号的东方将领也“纵兵钞掠”。因而普遍出现了“民人相食,州里萧条”的荒凉景象。这种情况的造成,除了应当归罪于东汉王朝的反动统治外,镇压农民起义和破坏社会生产的军阀,自然也是不可饶恕的罪首。但相对的说,各军阀之间,毕竟还是有所差别的。拿曹操来说,他虽然镇压过农民起义和滥杀过无辜人民,但从他在政治、军事、经济各方面的表现来看,他比被他消灭的那些军阀还是胜过一筹的。比如他推行屯田,兴修水利,实行盐铁官卖制度,对社会经济的恢复和经济的整顿起了积极作用。这些都将在谈论经济时再介绍。



第2个回答  2009-05-12


曹操统一北方的积极作用。 前已叙及,东汉王朝后期,由于政治黑暗,社会生产遭到严重破坏,人民无法生活,终于爆发了轰轰烈烈的黄巾大起义。但在当时的历史条件下,农民起义不可能取得最终的胜利,继之而来的是东汉王朝的解体和军阀混战。在混战中,不仅董卓、李傕等凉州军阀到处屠杀人民,抢劫财物,就是打着勤王旗号的东方将领也“纵兵钞掠”。因而普遍出现了“民人相食,州里萧条”的荒凉景象。这种情况的造成,除了应当归罪于东汉王朝的反动统治外,镇压农民起义和破坏社会生产的军阀,自然也是不可饶恕的罪首。但相对的说,各军阀之间,毕竟还是有所差别的。拿曹操来说,他虽然镇压过农民起义和滥杀过无辜人民,但从他在政治、军事、经济各方面的表现来看,他比被他消灭的那些军阀还是胜过一筹的。比如他推行屯田,兴修水利,实行盐铁官卖制度,对社会经济的恢复和经济的整顿起了积极作用。这些都将在谈论经济时再介绍。




Caocao achievements

Cao Cao Dynasty in the north, irrigation, solved the problem of the shortage of rations, on the resumption of agricultural production have a certain effect; meritocratic, breaking the concept of family status世族LAW Chi-landlord class in the middle and lower figures, inhibition豪强to strengthen centralized. Rule by the socio-economic recovery and development. Good at Art of War, the "Master Sun's Brief", "兵书access to" and other books. Good poetry, "Artemisia Lane" and "View of the sea" and other articles to express their own political aspirations, and reflect the suffering of the people living in the Late Han Dynasty, the magnificent spirit, generosity desolate, he in politics is also remarkable achievements.

Cao Cao's unification of the positive role of the North. Syria and before, the late Eastern Han Dynasty, as a result of political darkness, of social production was severely damaged, and the people can not live, and finally the outbreak of a vigorous uprising黄巾large. However, the historical conditions at that time, the peasant uprising could not have been the final victory, followed from the disintegration of the Eastern Han Dynasty and warlordism. In the melee, not only Dong Zhuo, Li Liangzhou傕warlords and other people around the massacres, looting of property, that is, under the banner of the Eastern Emperor Qinwang generals also "note纵兵plunder." Thus the prevalence of the "people's people with food, depressed states," a scene of desolation. The result of this situation, in addition should be attributed to the reactionary rule of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the suppression of peasant uprisings and the destruction of the warlords of social production, natural is the first sin unforgivable. However, relatively speaking, between the warlords, after all, still have differences. Cao Cao is holding, even though he had to suppress the peasant uprising and the killing of innocent people, but in his political, military and economic performance, he was the elimination of those warlords, he is still better than a waiting. For example, he introduced Dynasty, irrigation, the implementation of Salt and Iron Crown land sales system, on the socio-economic recovery and economic restructuring has played a positive role. These will be introduced again when talking about the economy.

Cao Cao began to embark on a career on trying to use more stringent law was the right to change the situation in wild-ho. However, due to the harmful effects of root in the center, the parade can not be the intention of their own. To his own power only after a full implementation of the rule of law policy of suppression豪强. He said: "Cardiff Court, ordered people also"; "set aside the political chaos in order to sentence first." WANG Xiu-he use,司马芝, Yang Pei, Lu Qian,满宠, such as贾逵local officials to curb illegal豪强. If Jizhou Yuan Shao and Cao Cao in the implementation of the rule has to compare the operation, it can be seen two different situations: "the end of Han government lost in the wide, wide Shaozeng relief to wide, it is not taken." Yuan Shao indulge in the policy, "to throw off restraint豪强good, relatives merger, under the poor and weak people, on behalf of rental Fu, Hyun vend money less than should be life." In this way, nature can not be the "pro-people laws,甲兵strong." Therefore, to Yuan Shao, although larger forces are more than enough food, and finally defeated for the parade by. Jizhou was speaking immediately after the "merger of豪强Law", which can receive a relatively "happy people" effect. As long as we look at "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Wei," can be seen in the parade under the rule of the central and local political landscape and society are different from the past. Little strife in both North Korea's minister of feather one's nest; local arbitrariness and impunity for officials and豪强has also been a certain degree of inhibition. Sima Guang Cao said, "for the rule of chaos", I do not have no. But do not re-employing virtual parade reputation, his choice of officials to "informed legal principle", to exercise the rule of law. Exercise also promotes clean, he崔琰, Mao Jie in charge of elections, "they give, and all honest people, although in line from time to time and are not governed by this reputation, the end to get Mo. Treasury rates to thrifty people, by the士莫all over the world not to honest self-section, although your pet's Hill,舆服dare not excessive. " So society has improved.

Coordinate the implementation of the rule of law and policy is trying to speak on the centralization of power has been and can not be under许臣behavior of gangs. He ordered that: "When this clearance, but loyal to the country, the effectiveness of王事, though better than the others, the private node, using silk 1000, 10000 Valley, still no benefit." In order to monitor群臣parade, set up "school thing." For this, he was minister opposed the "non-Habitat under the letter of purpose." Be explained on this parade, said: "Spurs should be able to do many things and give to worthy gentleman was, it can not be also." The so-called "worthy gentleman", mainly referring to a family of ministers and their officials累世, Zhilian leaves attached, a great reputation and influence. On the one hand, speaking of the win over can not be so UN-PC without power; on the one hand, also used the school bastardly thing to check their actions. As for whether or not to do so necessary? We can use the future to answer, then Sun Quan. Sun Quan said: "The long text (Chen words) of the believers, they are able to celecoxib Shoushan so as to narrow its first parade, Wei Cao Yan-cheng, it is intended to make竭心, non-dare." Sun Quan also follow the parade for the post of school things, know that in the circumstances, the Minister set up to monitor school operations, and to prevent the end of the Han Dynasty and Yuan Shao group gangs minister sent a repeat of pull, or some truth in this. Power from the internal structure of Cao Wei, the family minister of the most serious potential risk. Cao Cao for their own and future generations in terms of things to set up school伺察minister, though some harsh and engage in trickery, but not this way, it is difficult to uniform them. Known as: "of Yan Tso, an official auxiliary, often increases stick." Speaking family members also make home Ye诸将to prevent the flight of its own disaffection are speaking and there is a gap under a reflection of and contradictions.

Overall, the Yellow River Basin under the rule of the Cao Cao, a certain degree of political Ching Ming, the economy gradually recovering, class oppression slightly reduced, the social atmosphere has improved. Therefore, we speak of reunification, said the North and the corresponding number of measures taken or will have a positive effect.
第3个回答  2009-05-12



第4个回答  2009-05-12