
摘 要

词的发展历史悠久,词体进入晚唐五代以后,经文士的改造和加工日趋成熟,又经“花间笔祖”温庭筠的创造和南唐词人冯延巳,李煜的强化,进一步确立词以柔情为主的题材取向,词由“以其馀力游戏” 发展到“词别是一家”“词自是一家”时,已经能够代表一代之文学了,在宋代词就代表了宋代之文学。但到元明两代词风却趋入萎靡势态,直到清朝词又有了超越此前历代文学的趋势。词在经历七八百年走成了马鞍形的行程后,一代清词以其流派纷呈,风格竟出的空前盛况,终于为这抒情文体的发展谱就辉煌丰硕的殿末之卷。清词就像是横空出世,一出现就展现了其独特的魅力,其独特性在各个方面都不同于前人之词,清词是在宋词的基础上发展壮大的,由于众多致力于词创作的大家们的努力又使得词成为清代独具特色的一面大旗,一方面是对前人的继承,另一方面又是对前人之词的超越,这种超越正是清词的独特魅力的体现,清词已经不仅仅是一种量上的扩充,更是一直质上的创新。清词创作中最具有代表性的就是清词三大家,从清词三大家中我们可以窥视到清词的质与量的飞跃,而这三大家的创作特色又为我们研究清词打开了一扇窗,从中我们可以领略到清词的美与独特的魅力。



the development of ci poems has a long history. in the later Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties, the forms of ci poems gradually become mature through the reforms and elaborations carried out by man of letters. futhermore, by the literature contribution of Wen Tingyun, the forefather of the Hua Jian school, and the promotions of ci poets Feng Yansi and Li Yu of Southern Tang Dynasty , the ci poems turned to mainly focus on tender feelings. when stepped from the early 'play games only in spare time'onto the stage of being an independent school, the ci poems were well representing a new type of Chinese literature, for instance, the poem of Song Dynasty is the benchmark of the Song literature. however, in the next Yuan and Ming Dynasties, ci poems suffered from sliding into the downturn. it is untill the Qing Dynasty that ci poems transcended their ancestors. the developmental history of the ci poems takes on the shape of a siddle.
the ci poems in the Qing Dynasty, with various genre and stylish grandness, painted a glamourous ending for the roll of picture of the lyrics poems.
the appearance of the Qing Dynasty poems is all in a sudden, but it does not cover its peculiar chrisma. its distinctiveness lies in its difference from the former ones in all aspects. the Qing Dynasty poems develops on the basis of the Song poems. with the co-efforts of the poem masters in Qing Dynasty, the Qing poem became the representive character of the Qing Literature. the Qing poems inherit and transcend the mantle of its ancestor. and the transcendence is just the uniqueness of the Qing poems. the Qing poems expands not only in quantity but more importantly it develops in the quality of innovation.
there are three literature masters of the Qing poems. they are the windows for us to have a brief view on the quantitive and qualitive leap of the Qing poems. moreover, their unique writing styles provide us another angle for literature analysis and the way to appreciate the beauty and chrisma of the Qing poems.

key words: the Qing poems, three literature masters of the Qing poems,inherit

第1个回答  2009-03-17
Development of the word for Qing Dynasty has a long history...语言功底不好,都不知道用什么单词