
One of the most dramatic examples of the effect of advances in medical knowledge is the building of the Panama Canal.
In 1881, work was started on this canal under the supervision of DeLesseps, the Frenchman who built the Suez Canal.
The project had to be abandoned after mosquito-borne diseases of yellow fever and malaria had claimed 16,000 victims among the workers.
At the beginning of this century, the area was made healthy by spraying the breeding waters of the mosquitoes with petroleum.
Work was able to be started again and the canal was finished in 1914.

巴拿马运河的修建是医学知识进步影响最显著的例子之一。1881年,在修建苏伊士运河的法国人德勒塞普的监督下,这条运河开始动工。由于蚊子传播的黄热病和疟疾已造成16 000名工人死亡,该项目不得不放弃。本世纪初,用石油喷洒蚊子的繁殖水域,使该地区变得健康。工程得以重新开始,运河于1914年完工。