






1277AD,king edward I ocuupied wales with his army,then lived in Carnarvon castle with his queen Eleanor.

To straiten the king ,the couterforce at that time make their point very clearly that they won't accept the king's administation,and also thay propose that prince wales should be the administor ,however they listed some harsh condition about the prince wales:first,he should be born in wales and possesed royal blood.second,he don't speek english nor french,third,he never done anything wrong or offence anybody since he was born.

there is no doubt they gave the king a problem,but edward thouht for a while and said:please come back to the castle one week later.

after a week, exciting people crowned the castle ,then king edward I appeared in the second floor balcony,a guard behind him hold a shield very carefully,the king turned around and lift the carpet which cover the shield,there is a baby there,the king sain:"here is my son ,he has the royal blood,he was born one week ago in Carnarvon castle,he don't speek english nor french,and he never done anything wrong or offence anybody,this is edward,prince wales"

since then ,all the king and female crown prince of queen,take the name "prince wales" and till today,also the Carnarvon castle became the only place pince wales could be conferred.1969 AD,the tv broadcast the ceremony that queen Elisabeth conferred prince charles as prince wales in the Carnarvon castle,which was recieved by 500 million people all around the world.

because of these,the Carnarvon castle had always been the syboml of a man's status and achievement,and being admired by the main steam of society a lot the whole world.

自己翻的哈 不是机翻 太长了~~~~
第1个回答  2008-08-13
the King Edward I of Britain and his troops conquered Wales in 1277,then he lived in Caernarfon Castle with the Queen Eleanor。

In order to embarrass the King Edward I,the opposition forces then showed their definite refusal to be have jurisdiction over. they presented a proposal of making the prince of Wales the governor with critical terms as follows, firstly,the prince of Wales must be born in Wales with royal extraction. secondly, he spoke neither Engish nor French. thirdly, he had never made any mistakes or displeased anyone.

this was almost as good as a problem to the King of Britain, he thought it over for a moment and said to them"please come to my Castle again in a week"

A week later, a crowd of exciting people gathered in front of the castle, the King Edward I appeared in the balcony on the first floor of the Castle,a guard cupped a shield cautiously behind the king. Edward turned to uncover the blanket on the shield, an infant was seen." this is my son of royal extraction who was born in Caernarfon Castle one week before, he speaks neither English nor French, and have never made any mistake and displeased anyone, he is the Prince of Wales!"

from then on, crown princes of all British kings or queens continued to use the title of the Prince of Wales upto now, the Caernarfon Castle also became the only place to witness the title of Prince Wales granted. in 1969, the Queen Elizabeth invested prince Charles the title of the prince of Wales at Caernarfon Castle, the ceromony was transmitted over TV and attracted 500 million audience all over the world.

Hence, the Caernarfon Castle as a symbol of man's status and excellence has been respecting by the main stream class in the world
第2个回答  2008-08-13
1277, King Edward I Shuaibing occupation of Wales, and Queen Eleanor lived in Carnarvon Castle.

At that time, the opposition forces in order to embarrass Edward I, made it clear that they do not want to subject the British-governed, and the Prince of Wales by a proposed rule and made the harsh conditions: first, the Prince of Wales must have a royal descent and was born in Wales. Second, he does not speak English or French-speaking. Third, his life has never done wrong or to offend anyone.

This is tantamount to the British monarch to a difficult problem, but Edwards is considered a short answer they said: "Please to the castle to a week later."

A week later, the castle before the crowd gathered in excitement, when Edward I in the balcony on the second floor of the castle, a defender behind him carefully Pengzhao a shield. He turned from a shield to set off on the blankets, revealing a baby. "This is my son, is the royal family of origin, a week ago, was born in Carnarvon Castle, he will not speak English will not speak French, he declined miss, and has never offended anyone, he is Edward , The Prince of Wales! "

Since then, the British king or queen of all the men Crown Prince, have used "the Prince of Wales" titles and Yan Xu has been so far, and Carnarvon Castle has become the only Prince of Wales and canonized. 1969, Queen Elizabeth in television Carnarvon Castle for Prince Charles at a canonization ceremony for the Prince of Wales, has attracted 500 million viewers around the world was watching.

Therefore, the Carnarvon Castle has always been a male identity and a symbol of success, much the mainstream of the world community's admiration.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2008-08-13
第4个回答  2008-08-13