
For Facebook, the move to work with the Congressional committees underscored how far the social network has strayed from being a mere technology company and how it has increasingly had to deal with the unintended consequences of the tools it provides to reach the more than 2 billion people who use the site regularly.

【状语For Facebook】, 【主语the move (同位语to work with the Congressional committees)】 【谓语underscored】 【宾语从句1 how far the social network has strayed from being a mere technology company】 and 【宾语从句2 how it has increasingly had to deal with the unintended consequences of the tools it provides to reach the more than 2 billion people who use the site regularly】.追问



【宾语从句2 how (主语it) (谓语has increasingly had to deal with) (宾语the unintended consequences) (定语of the tools )】

第1个回答  2017-09-26
For Facbook(状语),the move(主语,后置不定式做定语)+ underscored (动词)+how far...and how(并列宾语从句)
第2个回答  2017-09-26
主语:the move(to后面的修饰主语),谓语undersored 剩下的是宾语