英语作文 生物技术的优点


The main features of the new biotechnology

Main features:
(A) to break a few thousand years can not be genetically distant hybridization of the law, breaking the barrier between species. Any one can introduce a gene to give it new life forms and genetic characteristics, for example, a bacterial toxin genes into cotton, the pest-resistant cotton to obtain the performance; Another example would be a certain kind of virus genes into tobacco or vegetables, leaving the latter to obtain new varieties of plant virus resistance; and if the growth hormone gene into pigs may get fish or fish or fast-growing new breed pigs and so on. This is the transgenic plants or transgenic animals, which is breeding history of a great revolution.

(B) provides a direct means or artificial gene or protein synthesis, or the use of simple microbes to mass production of useful proteins, important for human and animal disease prevention, treatment and diagnosis. You can even change the nature of protein to make it more in line with people's needs, which is protein engineering. In the past, a very small amount of protein in the body, difficult to extract, can now be mass produced using E. coli fermentation, resulting in the formation of new biological treatment, and pharmaceutical industry.

(C) provide a means of gene therapy in the treatment and prevention on a genetic level, for the treatment of difficult to treat genetic diseases, cancer and so on.

Emerging biotechnology industry benefits

New biotechnology for developing countries provides a useful means to develop their national economy, the advantages are: 1, low investment, high value, short, quick; 2, the use of natural renewable energy sources, bacteria can be infinitely blooms; 3, the new bio-genetically engineered varieties of bacteria are relative genetic stability, can be continuous, long-term use it to create wealth; 4, generally no environmental pollution.

Trend of development of biotechnology

Over the last decade the international development of biotechnology, summarized as the following significant trends and characteristics:

(A) rapid genetic manipulation techniques, continuous improvement, especially in gene transfer technology, gene amplification, gene cloning, gene modification technology, and through commercial channels, selling a full set of reagents specific technology, to promote. Currently, gene technology has been extended to the grassroots level, such as clinicians using gene amplification technology diagnostic difficult cases.

(B) the biological treatment by leaps and bounds. New drugs and vaccines have been about 20 new products on the market, has generated huge economic and social benefits, the pharmaceutical industry will face this century update.

(C) genetically modified plants and animals have a major breakthrough. Insect-resistant, anti-virus vegetables and other crops, insect-resistant cotton, has entered the practical stage, the beginning of this century, we can promote socially acceptable insect-resistant, anti-virus crops. Cultivate salinity, drought-resistant crops, in this century will be realized. Introduction of new bio-technological innovation throughout the agriculture, is estimated to be fully operational by 2030.

(D) of the human genome as a major international collaboration between scientific issues, the development of new drugs offer good prospects.

(E) expectations for gene therapy to make significant progress. Since 1990, treatment of one case of congenital immune deficiency has been only four years the object of gene therapy has been rapidly extended to the treatment of cancer, AIDS, hepatitis B, cardiovascular and other serious diseases. Estimated beginning of this century, cancer, AIDS and other serious diseases prevention and control is expected to achieve a breakthrough.

Emerging biotechnology applications in agriculture

Biotechnology is important for China's high agricultural techniques, including the development of high yielding, high quality, stress-resistant new varieties of plants and animals, nitrogen fixation, Livestock and other major diseases prevention and control. Currently, the emerging biotechnology applications in agriculture mainly in the areas of genetically modified plants and animals.

Transgenic plants such as tobacco mosaic virus resistance in tobacco, cotton bollworm resistance, insect-resistant vegetables, anti-rotten tomatoes.

Transgenic animals such as fast-growing fish, milk secretion of a large number of effective drugs in sheep or other animals.

Genetically engineered micro-organisms such as agriculture, transformation of symbiotic nitrogen fixation joint fixation or engineering bacteria to enhance nitrogen fixation, with toxic gene engineered bacteria used as pesticides.

Veterinary vaccines using genetically engineered recombinant D NA technologies and the development of veterinary vaccines for serious infectious disease prevention.

Engineering for the rapid propagation of bovine embryos cattle breeding, embryo division, variant development.

Emerging biotechnology applications in medicine

Biological treatment is the use of D NA recombinant technology or other new biotechnology disease prevention and treatment, based on current progress, the biological treatment should include broad restructuring and reorganization of D NA protein drugs drugs into two categories:

1, the recombinant protein drugs: treatment, including cytokines, anti-cytokines treatment, treatment of immune protection, guidance toxins, drugs based on gene transcription factors, monoclonal antibody therapeutic agents, vaccines, treatments and so on. 2, recombinant D NA drugs: drugs, including oligonucleotides, gene therapy and gene vaccines.

Biotechnology can also be used for process, energy and other industrial applications, including starch, amino acids, enzymes, antibiotics, polymers, methanol production, control of environmental pollution, oil drilling and mining and so on. However, the current focus on medicine and agriculture, today's biotechnology applications in medicine accounted for more than 60% of biotechnology, has formed a new industrial biotechnology products mainly in medicine.

China's 863 major biotechnology objectives and progress

Main strategic objectives are:

Developed hybrid rice yield than the existing 15% of hybrid rice, and large scale; developed with significant market value of the fast-growing fish; 10 to 15 species of high-tech biotech drugs and vaccines to market, the basic formation of our biological field high-tech industry, annual turnover of 1 billion yuan; strive to put 50% of the results of the application; the main aspects of biotechnology to the current international standards, and in hybrid rice, transgenic plants, hepatitis and cancer prevention and control of new drugs and vaccines in the formation of the country's characteristics, including some of the items in the international leading level; build a number of bio-tech research and development base; train a group of cross-century high-tech talent.

To this end, the establishment of three themes: First, high-quality, anti-animal and plant new varieties; second new drugs, vaccines and gene therapy; third protein engineering. Consists of five major projects and 12 thematic projects.

Achievements sum up, have the following main aspects:

Two-line hybrid rice research has made significant progress; genetically modified plants, animals, breakthrough progress; have been homozygous for insect-resistant cotton, trypsin inhibitor gene transfer of cotton also continue to differentiate in vitro germination, disease tobacco has been widely promoted has received a number of fast-growing transgenic common carp; recombinant microorganisms have been used for agricultural production, increase yield, saving more than 2 kg nitrogen per acre; recombinant hepatitis B vaccine production technology reached the international advanced level, there are other cholera three kinds of new vaccines into the pilot, several countries linked technology transfer issues; genetically engineered peptide drugs to achieve industrialization, recombinant interferon and interleukin-2 of the annual output of about 50 million yuan; hemophilia B gene therapy leading position in the international arena; basic research in biotechnology innovation results; our basic grasp of today's biological scientists, main areas of cutting-edge technology, driven by 863 and radiation, biological technology in China have a greater degree of popularity, China's large Hospital began to use P CR technology for disease diagnosis.

Challenges and Opportunities

Looking ahead, China's population growth and land shortage is a long-standing conflicts, and international rapid development of modern biotechnology is expected to bring the Green Revolution, is the hope to resolve this contradiction. China's development of biotechnology has many advantages, so we should: focus on clinical efficacy as soon as possible develop a number of clear, non-infringement of foreign patent products; development group is currently abroad, as soon as possible in the clinical stage Ⅰ, Ⅱ trials, drug production has not yet been license, with great prospect of the drug, the use of our clinical trials of favorable conditions, it is possible in the case of infringement of foreign patents, required to complete our clinical stage Ⅰ, Ⅱ trial, treatment of new indications, first to the market ; considering the development of a number of foreign patent expire early this century and has great application value in our pro
第1个回答  2011-10-31