牛津深圳初中英语九年级全一册chapter3Chapter 3 Places of interest (单词)


Places of interest 名胜
in the north of… 在…的南部
more than=over 多于
go hiking 滑行
a beautiful landscape painting 一幅美丽的风景画
be attracted by 被…吸引
take a mud bath 泥巴浴
be lie in =is 位于
in the centre of 在…的中心
a large number of 许多
between…and=from…to 在…中间
ask for your help 请求帮助
make the arrangement 安排
plan to do sth 打算做某事
by air =by plane=fly to 乘飞机
would like to=want to do 想要
know about 了解
as well =too 也
in advance 预先
is located =lie 位于
in the style of 以…的风格
in memory of 为纪念…
in the front of… 在…的前面