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直到现在 向中国市场进入的韩国饮食加盟企业已超过200多家。但是正在有卖场且正在运营的不过只有十家而已。原因是可能太早进入市场或者疏忽了准备工作才获得一些不尽人意的成果。不过,配合中国2004年流通市场的开放,进入中国市场的企业做好了精细的准备和差别化的战略,慢慢地显示了成果的是烘焙业(bakery)。在2004年时,向中国上海进入的巴黎贝甜(paris baguette)以使用新鲜的原材料给中国消费者留下了高质量的印象而为之成功。直到现在为止,在中国仍有31家店铺在营业中。2008年,中国政府向巴黎贝甜颁发了3A级企业的认证。并且从巴黎贝甜是在中国国内烘焙业最早得到此认证的的企业来看,算是得到了烘焙业的瞩目。像这样的韩国的烘焙产品之所以人气很高的原因是价格虽然有些贵,但是面包的质量很好。还有巴黎贝甜的市场概念是做中国专门的面包,并且积极参与中国的春以及各种主要节日的市场活动,还有在圣诞节以及情人节室进行一些销售活动,都得到了很好的回应。中国加入WTO以后, 烘培业市场迎来了第二个成长期. 在这里,虽然台湾以及香港的品牌也进入了中国的市场,但是巴黎贝甜还保有自己的优势。 对于这样的中国市场成长以及潜力,能看出中国的烘培业还能变得更大,随着巴黎贝甜在中国的市场战略,还能得到更高发展的可能性,所以我们选择的受到瞩目的巴黎贝甜作为主题。

Up to now,more than 200 Korean franchising food and beverage enterprises have entered China market. But not more than 10 of them have running business in stores . Landing market at early time and carelessness of preparation could be the reason ,and it caused an unsatified result. On the onther hand , along with the market opening in China from 2004 , those enterprises which have been in the Chinese market have completed their careful calculation and diversity of marketing strategy .Apparently , The bakery became one of these achievments.In 2004 , the Paris Baguette succeeded to leave a high quality impression to the Chinese consumers by using fresh material. Until this moment , 31 chain shops are in operation their business. In 2008 , The Chinese government awarded the Paris Baguette 3A enterprise certificate which was the first quality certificate issued in China to the bakery companies ,and it attracted eyes of the whole bakery participants. The reason why this Korean bakery gained high popularity is that their quality is not high comparing with its good quality. Another reason is that the Paris baguette concentrated on the China conceptual market with participation of various marketing activities on Chinese New Year and some major festivals , as well as holding some sales promotion during X-Mas and valentines' Day ,which had received well response from market. After China becoming a member of WTO , bakery stepped into its second booming period in which some brands of Taiwan and Hongkong came to the Chinese market ,while the Paris Bagutte remain its market domination. According to the potential consumption and growth of China market , it is obvious that bakery industry can be stronger , especially the Paris Bagutte has showed its potent market development based on its China market strategy, and it is the reason why we choose the attractive Paris Bagutte to be our topic.
第1个回答  2011-10-09
Until now the Chinese market into South Korea joined the enterprise has more than 200 food home. But are having stores and is only 10 of the operation of but just. The reason is may enter the market or neglect too early to get some work to unsatisfactory results. But in 2004, with China's circulation market opening, to enter the Chinese market, the enterprise to carry out the fine of preparation and differentiation strategy, slowly the shows the results is bakery industry (bakery). In 2004, China's Shanghai to the Paris bei sweet (Paris baguette) to use fresh raw materials to Chinese consumers left the impression of high quality to success. Until now, in China still has 31 stores in the business. In 2008, the Chinese government to Paris bei sweet presented the 3 level A enterprise of authentication. And from Paris is the sweet in China the bakery industry get this authentication of the enterprise to see, is get the bakery industry attention. Like the South Korea bakery products are very high popularity is the cause of the price although some expensive, but the bread quality is very good. And Paris bei sweet market concept is do Chinese special bread, and actively participate in the Chinese Spring Festival and all kinds of main market activities, and at Christmas and valentine's day room for some sales activities, got a good response. China's entry into the WTO, baking industry market welcomed the second growth. Here, although Taiwan and Hong Kong's brand also entered the China market, but Paris bei sweet still have their own advantages. For this kind of Chinese market growth and potential, and can see China's baking industry can also become more big, along with the Paris bei sweet in China's market strategy, still can get higher development is possible, so we choose by the attention of the Paris bei sweet as a theme.
第2个回答  2011-10-10
Until now, access to the Chinese market, Korean food has more than 200 companies to join. However, there are stores and are being operated, but only ten only. The reason is probably too early to enter the market or the negligence of the preparations was to get some unsatisfactory results. However, the circulation market in 2004 with China's opening to enter the Chinese market, enterprises are well prepared and the fine differentiation strategy, slowly shows the results of the baking industry (bakery). In 2004, to Shanghai, China entered the Bali Bei Sweet (paris baguette) to use fresh raw materials to China left a high-quality impression of the consumer to do this successfully. Until now, there are 31 stores in China in the business. In 2008, the Chinese government issued the Bali Bei sweet 3A-class enterprise certification. And from Bali Bei sweet baking industry in China is the first to get this certification business point of view, be considered to be the baking industry attention. Baking in Korea like this product very popular because of the reason why prices have some expensive, but good quality bread. There Bali Bei sweet concept is to make China's market special bread, and actively participate in China's major festivals of spring and a variety of marketing activities, as well as Christmas and Valentine's Day room in some sales activities, have been well response. China's accession to WTO, the baking industry, ushered in a second growth market in here, although Taiwan and Hong Kong brands have entered China's market, but also maintain their own sweet Bali Bei advantage. For such growth and potential of the Chinese market, China can see the baking industry can become larger, with the Bali Bei sweet market strategy in China, but also a higher possibility of the development, so we choose to be attention Bali Bei sweet theme.好长哈= =


第3个回答  2011-10-09
楼上机翻 请问什么是"food home".