求翻译几个高二的英语句子!急急急急急急啊 谢谢!!

还有 每种句子的翻译 越多不同的表达方式越好,谢谢啦。

1. 盯着那些外国人看是不礼貌的 (stare at)
2.我非常明白我得给人留下一个好印象 (be conscious)
3.我不确定谁会在大会上颁奖 (give away)
4.你能帮我下载一首歌吗? (favour)
5.你应该多参与学校的活动,从而结交更多朋友。(be deeply involved in )
8.彩色图片能使学生们保持兴趣 (hold)
9.坏习惯一旦养成就很难摆脱。(主语+be+adj+to do +)
10.总统辞职的消息不胫而走。(spread; resign)

尽量多给点啦 不同的表达方式。

1. It's impolite to stare at/gaze at/the foreigners.
2. I'm quite conscious that I'll have to leave a good impression. (be aware of)
3 I'm not sure who will give away the awards in the meeting.
4. Can you do me a favor of downloading a song.
5. You should be deeply involved in the activities in the school to make more friends.
6. Concerning this issue, people vary in their view point.
7. No matter how late you arrive, I will comm to the airport to meet you.
8. Colored pictures can hold students' interest.
9. Once a bad habbit is developped, it is hard to get rid of.
10. The news spread that the president resigned.
第1个回答  2011-10-02
1、It is impolite(not polite) to stare at foreigners.
2、I am really(fully) conscious that I have to make a good impression(on everyone).
3、I am not sure/ It is uncertain who will give away awards/ prizes at the conference(meeting).
4、Could you do me a favor(favour) and download a piece of music?
5、You should be deeply involved in school activities and make more friends.
6、People's opinions vary in term of this issue./ As for this issue, people's opinions vary greatly.
7、I will pick you up at the airport/ I will meet you at the airport, no matter how late you arrive/ get there.
8、Students can hold their interests via/by colorful pictures/ images. /
Colorful pictures/ images can make students hold their interests.或者keep students holding their interests.
9、It is difficult to get rid of bad habbits if they ever develop.
10、The news that the president resigned spreads like wildfire./
The resignation of the president spreads like wildfire.
第2个回答  2011-10-02
1.It's impolite to stare at those foreigners.
2.I'm exactly conscious that i should give others good impressions.
3.I'm not sure who will give away awards in the ceremony.
4.would you please do me a favour and download a piece of music for me?
5.You should be deep involved in the school activities so that you can meet more friends.
6.For this question, people views vary.
7.No matter how late you arrived,i 'll pick you up at the airport.
8.Colourful pictures can hold students interests.
9.Once you have developed a bad habit, it will be very difficult to break it off.
10. The news of the president's resign spread quickly.
第3个回答  2011-10-03
1.it is impolite to stare at the foriengers.
2.i am conscious that i should make a good impression.