根据中文提示写一篇60字的作文介绍你喜欢的购物中心Star Shopping Mall

提示:1、在学校附近;           2、购物中心有三层。一楼有食物和饮料;二楼有服装店、鞋店和书店;三楼有运动商品。           3、早上9点开始营业,晚上10点关门。           4、我们喜欢在购物中心购物。

我们学校附近有一个购物中心,那对于我来说是生活中不可缺少,不能不去的地方。也许你会问为什么啊,现在购物中心,大超市啊,都随处可见啊。那还是让我给你说说我喜欢的购物中心“Star Shopping Mall”吧。
最后说说一楼吧,那可是我们常去的地方喽,因为那里有很多好吃的,我和同学经常去那里挑选自己喜欢吃的东西提回宿舍,给自己加强一下营养。毕竟在学校嘛 照顾好自己也是很重要的。
第1个回答  2012-03-12
Near our school there is a shopping center, for me, is indispensable in the life, can not go to the place. Maybe you will ask why ah, now the shopping center, supermarket, can be seen everywhere. Then let me to tell us your opinion I love shopping center" Star Shopping Mall".First she located near schools, for those of us boarders is more convenient, whenever the weekend, after a week of grinding away, I will be together with the classmate to the shopping center.We love to the two floor, there are beautiful clothes and shoes, the most important thing is there are a lot of books, if I love, I can read a morning that relax there, and the growth of knowledge.The third floor is good, there is some sports, I was still inside buy a basketball last week. The body is the capital of the revolution, exercise a good physique, learning is the important condition.Finally, a floor, but that the places we used to go myself, because there are a lot of delicious food, my classmates and I often go there to choose what they like to eat put back to the dormitory, to strengthen nutrition. After all, well take care of in the school is very important.The shopping center is not only give us life brought convenient, give us a leisure, entertainment venues. After all, is a big supermarket, service, quality, price, very satisfactory. We like shopping there.分享到
第2个回答  2011-09-30
千年迎新春 瑞雪兆丰年 横批:年年有余