

University campuses are turning to a new era of electronic devices. As the wireless network covers every corner of the campus, the university has become the most popular place in the world. Students can give full play to the role of the Internet magic, to complete the homework, review lectures outline, to participate in class discussions, and friends online social. At the same time, universities around the world have replaced their old computer systems to free, the most advanced network systems. The Internet connection at any time and anywhere makes education very useful.
第1个回答  推荐于2018-02-22
University campuses are turning to a new era of electronic devices. As the wireless network covers every corner of the campus, the university has become the most popular place in the world. Students can give full play to the role of the Internet magic, to complete the homework, review lectures outline, to participate in class discussions, and friends online social. At the same time, universities around the world have replaced their old computer systems to free, the most advanced network systems. The Internet connection at any time and anywhere makes education very useful.追答

