
  She’d been a dream beautiful child who had become,by imperceptible degrees,a dreamy beautiful young woman of that genre America Midwestern blond which indicates not so much a physical as a spiritual type. Now a New Yorker—downtown,Battery Park City on South End Avenue,10280-she yet carried with her a dreamy-golden aura as lightly borne as a cloak of Athena tossed over a favored mortal for protection on the battlefield, and she carried it unaware,believing that the myria daily glances of admiration she encountered in the city,the smiles and lingering—eyed exchanges with strangers,and certainly the intense good fortune of her professional and personal life,were part of general bounty shared by all,like the warm autumn air.  she was of an indeterminate age.whether in her mid-thirties,or in her early twenties.By the age of perhaps forty-five she would begin to look perhaps twenty-nine,but only in the harshest lights,which no one would force upon her.  she was not only loved,which is a commonplace experience,but beloved.There is a distinction.  In the heratland,she was beloved by her family;in Manhattan, she    上面一段  谢谢高手帮忙翻译下  速度快我可以多加点分的  谢谢了

第1个回答  2012-02-03
第2个回答  2012-02-04
小时候的她美丽的让人艳羡~ 随着时间的流逝 她成为一个典型的美国中西部金发女子 我们很难想象她究竟美到什么程度 仿佛是一个只会在梦中昙花一现的美好存在 ~
作为一个纽约客~她住在炮台公园南端的10280号~与其说她所拥有的容貌像是别人梦寐以求的金色光环 不如说就像是智慧与战争的女神雅典娜为了她能在人类的斗争中得到保护的斗篷~但是她自己并没有意识到这点 只把她每天遇到的陌生人的艳羡目光~微笑和看似无意的一瞥当做人们友好的象征 就如同那秋天令人舒展的天气一般~当然 她的容貌也给她在事业和人生中带来了数不清的好处~你无法说清楚她到底多大了 无论是三十刚过 还是年方二八 也许当她到了相夫教子的年龄 也会被人误认为一个美丽的少妇 ~也许只有在那种昏黄的让人无法看清容貌的地方 她才不是焦点~她才能体会到什么是爱与被爱 这是她在平时是完全不同的~她内心深处知道 她拥有深爱着她的家人~本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2012-02-06
她一直梦想成为美丽的孩子,不知不觉度,一个梦幻般的美丽的年轻姑娘金发美国中西部,风格表明不会有太多身体作为灵性的类型。现在,一个新的Yorker-downtown,炮台公园大道南端的城市,10280 -可她了她一个dreamy-golden承担光环尽最大努力掩饰扔在雅典娜女神的一个热门凡人保护在战场上,,她把它没有意识到,他们相信myria每日的崇拜她enc反光
第4个回答  2012-02-03