

姓名 成绩______________
1. big dog ( ) 2. cap key ( )
3. fat five ( ) 4. get girl ( )
5. he her ( ) 6. jacket juice ( )
1. 用英语(表达)_______________ 2. That’s OK.__________
2. 她的书_______________________ 3. on the desk__________
5. 这支铅笔_____________________ 6. Here you are.________
7. 他的钱包_____________________ 8. over there___________
( )1.—This ruler is for you.
— ____________ .
A. All right B. Thank you C. sorry
( )2.—May I have a tape for David?
— ____________ .
A. Sure . Here you are . B Thank you . C No , it isn’t.
( )3. —This is my toy rabbit.
A. How lovely! B. It’s a rabbit. C. Sure.
( )4. —What’s this in English?
A. It’s my dog. B. A dog. C. a dog
( )5.— my lion.
—I like your lion, too.
A. I’d like B. I like C. I see.
( )6.— This is your tiger , I think.
— ___________________
A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it’s Mike’s.
C. No. It’s my tiger
( )7. — Where’s Nancy?
— ________________
A. He’s in the classroom. B. She’s in the classroom.
C. It’s on the desk.
( )8. —________ , is this my pen?
— No, it isn’t.
A. sorry B. I’m sorry C.Excuse me
( )9. —What’s that ________?
A. there B. here C. over there
( )10. — Do you like dolls?
— ______________
A. Yes, I like puppets. B. No, I like dolls.
C. Yes, I do.
( )1. This pencil is for David. A Thank you.
( )2. I’m sorry. B I like your bear, too.
( )3. May I have a book? C That’s OK.
( )4. Happy Teachers’Day! D All right.
( )5. I like my bear. E Sure. Here you are.
( )6. Is this your fan? F It’s a dog.
( )7. What’s this in English? G Yes, I do.
( )8. Do you like this puzzle? H No, it isn’t
1. is , a , This , monkey , think , I (.)
________ ________ a ________ , ________ ________.
2. umbrella , your , Perhaps , in , classroom ,is,the (.)
________ your is ________ ________ ________ .
3. like , kite , Do , this ,you (?)
________ ________ like ________ ________ ?
4. English , What’s , in , this (?)
________ ________ in ________ ?

________ ________ ________.
1. A: May I have ________(那支)________(钢笔)?
B:Sure. And ______(这支)_______ ______(圆珠笔)is ______(给) Wang Bing.
A: All right.
2. A: What’s that in English?
B: It’s a ____(风筝). I like ____(风筝).
3. A: ________(在哪里)________ (我的)umbrella?
B: Is this ________(你的) umbrella?
A: ________(不), it________(不是).
Helen: Hi, Yang Ling. What’s that on the sofa?
Yang Ling: It’s my red school bag. Helen, is your school bag red?
Helen: No, my school bag is yellow. What’s in your school bag?
Yang Ling: I’ve got some copybooks and a pencil case.
( )1. Helen’s school bag is red.
( )2. Yang Ling’s school bag is red.
( )3. Helen’s school bag is on the sofa.
( )4. Yang Ling has (有)a pencil case and some copybooks in her school bag.
第1个回答  2012-02-02
第2个回答  2012-02-04
第3个回答  2012-02-10