用形容词的比较级造句10个 快快(初2词汇)


1.football is more popular than baseball 足球比棒球更受欢迎
2.she works harder than him 她比他更认真工作
3.i like stamps better than coins. 我喜欢收集邮票胜过收集硬币
4.the air in the countryside is cleaner than that in the city. 乡村的空气比城市的空气更清新
5.the traffic in the city is more heavier than that in the countryside. 城市的交通比乡村的交通更拥挤
6.he is braver than her他比她更勇敢
7.the situation is becoming more and more dangerous.情况变得越来越紧急
8. i do more exercise than him. 我比他多做锻炼
9.I get up earlier than my mother's. 我比我妈妈起得更早
10.Today is much hotter than yesterday 今天比昨天热多了。

形容词比较级的结构:be 动词+形容词比较级或者有多音节的单词,用more引导
第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-24
I’m happier than her 我比他高兴
I ’m taller than her 我比她高
I ’m stronger than him 我比他坚强
I ’m fatter than him 我比他胖
i'm shorter than her 我比她矮
i work harder than him 我比他用功
i run faster than him 我比他跑得快
i eat more than him 我比他吃的多
i play games better than him 我玩游戏比他好
i do more exercise than him 我比他锻炼的多本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-02-11
She is more beautiful than me.
I'm taller than you.
Mary is much fatter than Peter.
My father is younger than yours.
Jim runs faster than you.
I get up earlier than yesterday.
She is a little short than me.
My sister is much cleverer than you.
Lion is much more dangerous than cat.
Today is much hotter than yesterday.
第3个回答  2012-02-11
额 没想到是英语啊