It is said/thought/known/reported/estimated/believed/ (that)是什么意思

It is said/thought/known/reported/estimated/believed/ (that) 是什么意思最好在造个句子

1.It is said that 据说(=people say 即大家都这么说)that 后面接一个从句,that 可省略。例:
It is said (that) he is only 13 years old.据说他才13岁。
=People say ( that) he is only 13 years old.大家都说他才13岁。
=He is said to be only 13 years old.他据说才13岁。
2.It is thought (that)大家认为......有人认为......that后同样接一个句子。例:
It is thought (that )he is the greatest person in the world.他被认为是世界上最伟大的人(同样请写出另两种表达)。
3.It is known that 众所周知......
4.It is reported that 据报道.....有报道称......
5.It is estimated that 据估计.....
6..It is believed that 据信......大家相信......
第1个回答  2012-02-11
They say that Mary is very happy in London---------宾语从句
===It is said that Mary is very happy in London ---------主语从句,it是形式主语,that是主语从句的连接词,Mary--- - - - .是真正主语
=== Mary is said to be very happy in London.--------简单句,里面的to be very happy in London是主语补足语。本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-02-11
。 类似的有 : It is said/thought/known/reported/estimated/believed/ (that)+从句