关于 take的各种搭配


take after  长得像.../性格特征像...

Tom's bad temper takes after his father.
Tom 的暴脾气随他爸。

Lucy takes after her mother.
Lucy长得像她妈妈。(这里的take after可以换成look like)
注意不要把take after 和look after“照顾”记混淆了~

take away 带走、拿走
away本身就是“远离”的意思,所以take away就是“带走,拿走”的意思了。

We should take the rubbish away when we leave the cinima.

take back 退回、退还、归还;收回、撤回
back是“ 往回”的意思,所以yake back就是拿回去=退还。

If I buy something that he doesn't like, I 'll take it back.

You will be allowed to take your words back in 2 minutes when you are chatting on Wechat.

take down 取下、拿下;写下、记录;拆掉、拆毁
down是“向下”的意思,所以take down就是“拿下来、够下来”的意思了;引申出来的含义还有“写下来、记录下来”以及把一个建筑物take下来就引申为“拆掉、拆毁”(不常考)。

Harry rose and went to his bookcase and took down a volume.

Maybe I took your number down incorrectly...

take in 吸收、摄入;收留、收容

The Greens have taken in 3 chilren.

This kind of cloth takes in water very well.

take off 起飞;脱下;(事业)成功;请假
“off”指一个物体与另一个物体分开、脱离。与take搭配起来,就可以指(飞机)起飞,也可寓意为事业的腾飞;衣服、眼镜、帽子等与身体分离,就是“脱下”的意思。off还有不上学、不上班的意思,所以take some time off就是“请假”的意思。

We eventually took off at 11 o'clock and arrived in London at 1.30.

She wouldn't take his hat off.

she took two days off school to take care of his grandma.

take on 呈现、显出;承担、接受

No other people was able or willing to take on the task.

Over the past 30 years, many cities of China have taken on a new appearance.

take out 带...出去;去除、除掉
out有“在外面、出去”的意思,所以take out就是“带...出去(吃喝玩乐)”;如果是把某物从固定的地方全部带出去了,则是“去除、除掉”的含义。

Jack took me out for a big dinner yesterday.

I got a bad toothache so I went to the dentist's to take the tooth out.

take over 接手、接管、接替、接任

His son has taken over his company since he died.

take up 占据(一定的时间、空间、精力...);开始从事...
《柯林斯英汉词典》是这么说的:如果你take up一个活动或一个学科或一个工作,则指你变得对它感兴趣并且花时间去从事了并把它变成你的一项兴趣或工作了。

Angela used to be a model and has decided to take it up again.

第1个回答  推荐于2017-12-16
1. take back 收回,接回,退回。如:I’m sorry, I take back what I said. 对不起,我收回我说过的话。They wouldn’t take back the shirt. 衬衫他们不让退货。2. take down
(1) 写下,记下。如:He took down everything the teacher said. 他把老师说的所有话都记了下来。I didn’t take down his phone number. 我没有记下他的电话号码。
(2) 拆下,拆掉。如:The machine takes down easily. 这机器很容易拆。They decided to take down the dangerous bridge. 他们决定把这座危险的桥拆掉。3. take in
(1) 收留。如:So he took in the boy (dog). 所以他就收留了这个男孩(这条狗)。
(2) 包括。如:The list takes in everyone. 每个人都上了名单。
(3) 理解。如:We find it difficult to take in what he teaches. 我们发现他教的东西很难理解。
(4) 欺骗,使上当。如:Don’t be taken in by his promises. 别被他的诺言所欺骗。4. take off
(1) 脱下。如:Take off your wet clothes. 脱下你的湿衣服。He took off his glasses and looked up. 他取下眼镜, 抬头看了看。
(2) 起飞。如:When did the plane take off? 飞机是什么时候起飞的?
(3) 打折扣,扣掉,去掉。如:Can you take five dollars off the price? 你可以减价五美元吗?
(4) 请假,休息。如:I want to take a day off (from work). 我想休假一天。5. take on
(1) 聘用,雇用。如:The company decided to take on a new secretary. 这家公司决定聘一个新秘书。
(2) 呈现,显现,具有。如:This word had taken a new meaning. 这个词有了新的意义。Her face took on a new expression. 她的脸上露出了新的表情。
(3) 承担或担任(工作或责任等)。如:He advised me not to take too much work. 他劝我不要做太多的工作。6. take over 接替,接管,继承。如:接替,接管,继承。如:Who will take over his job? 他的工作由谁来接替? Would you like me to take over the driving for a while? 你愿意让我接替你开一会儿车吗?7. take to
(1) 喜欢。如:He took to Mary as soon as they met. 他一见玛丽就爱上了她。
(2) 养成习惯,沉溺于。如:He soon took to drinking again. 不久他又喝起酒来。不久他又喝起酒来。
(3) 去(某处)。如:He was ill and had to take to bed. 他病倒了,只好卧床。8. take up
(1) 开始(学习或从事等)。如:He dropped medicine and took up physics. 他放弃学医,开始学物理。For a long time I had wanted to take up writing. 很久以来我一直想从事写作。
(2) 继续。如:We took up our journey the next day. 第二天我们继续赶路。This chapter takes up where the last one left off. 本章接续上一章谈到的内容。
(3) 占去(时间或空间)。如: The table takes up too much room. 这桌子太占地方了。The work took up all of Sunday. 这活儿占去了整个星期天。
(4) 接纳(乘客等),接受(挑战,建议,条件等)。如:The bus stopped to take up passengers. 公共汽车停下来让乘客上车。He has taken up the bet. 他已接受打赌的条件。
(5) 提出(商讨),讨论。如:There’s another matter which we ought to take up. 还有一件事我们要提出来商量。9. take sb sth / take sth to sb 给某人带(送)去某物。如:Take your father this glass of water. / Take this glass ofwater to your father. 把这杯水给你父亲送去。Take her some flowers. / Take some flowers to her. 带一些花给她。10. take sb (sth) for [to be]……把某人(某物)当作……。如:
He took her smile for agreement. 他把她的微笑视为同意。Of course I didn’t tell her your secret ---- what do youtake me for? 当然我没有把你的秘密告诉她---你都把我当什么人了? I took him for an honest man [to be honest]. 我看他为人老实。I took him for Mr Smith. 我错把他看成是史密斯先生。注:按传统说法:take……注:按传统说法:for 往往指不合事实地“错误认为”,而 take……to be [as]则可能指正确地也可能指不正确地“认为”,但现代英语已不完全遵循此规则。11. It takes (sb) some time to do sth 做某事花o (某人)时间。如:It took me two hours to do the maths exercises. 做数学练习花了我两个小时。It will take three hours to go there by bus. 坐公共汽车去要花三个小时。注:该句型在现代英语中可有多种变体。比较:It took him half an hour to mend his bike. / It took half an hour for him to mend the bike. 他修理自行车花了半个小时。It took him 10 minutes to solve the problem. / He took 10 minutes solving [to solve] the problem. 他花10分钟解出了这道题。It took me an hour to write the letter. / The letter took me an hour (to write). / I took an hour to write the letter. 我写这封信花了一个小时。按传统语法,以上句型只用于花时间,不用于花钱,但这在现代英语中已有所改变。如:It took him a lot of money to buy her a fur coat. / It took a lot of money for him to buy her a fur coat. 他给她买一件皮外套花了不少钱。12. It takes sth (某做某事花精力(需要人等)。如:It takes two to make a quarrel. 一个巴掌拍不响。It took three men to lift the box. 抬这个箱子要三个人。It would take a strong man to do the work. 身强力壮的人才做得了这工作。本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2018-10-15
1.take photoes照相 2.take a walk散步 3.take a bus乘公交 4.take sb. to sw.带某人去某地。 5.take away带走 6.What size do you take? 你穿多大码? 7.I will take it. 我会买它。 8.take the name采用名字9.it take sb.sometime to do sth.做某事花某人多长时间。10.take on/off穿上/脱下