初中英语题目 几道题不会

1 Bad whether delayed some students.More than one girl___ late for class this morning.
A are B is C was D were (C)

2On the way back home from the ball, she suddenly found her necklace____.
A missed B losing C gone D be (C)

3 I hardly believe he could jump _____high.
A so B such C that D this (C)

4Do you know the differences ________ the three words? --Sorry, I don’t know.
A. among B. between C. with D. about (B)
5________ ,and I will finish the task completely.(C)
A. Giving me one more minute B. Given one more minute
C. One more minute D. If I am given one more minute

6Is _____ factory ______you visited last week? (D)
A. this; that B this the; where C this one; that D this ; the one

7--Where's Tom? --He's left a _______ saying that he has something to do.(B)
A. excuse B. sentence C. news D. message

答案都知道 但是不知道为什么 .

1. Bad whether delayed some students.More than one girl___ late for class this morning.
A are B is C was D were (C)
解析: 由delayed以及句子的意思可以判断选项应该是过去式。“More than one ”虽然表示“不止一个,很多”的意思,但是它接的是名词单数,后面动词用第三人称单数形式。故选C

2. On the way back home from the ball, she suddenly found her necklace____.
A missed B losing C gone D be (C)
解析:这里需要表示状态的词。find sb/sth done,也就是说lost 也可以,但losing不可以。不选missed是因为语意不对,miss指的是遗漏遗失,着重“缺”了什么而不是“丢”了什么。从语意分析,gone是最好的,“没了”,非常口语化。故选C。

3. I hardly believe he could jump _____high.
A so B such C that D this (C)
解析:这里that做副词用,相当于very, 例如 He is that angry.= He is very angry.

4.Do you know the differences ________ the three words? --Sorry, I don’t know.
A. among B. between C. with D. about (B)
解析:这道题应该选A,答案有误。between只两者的区别,如differences between ...and ...;among 用于三者以上。

5. ________ ,and I will finish the task completely.(C)
A. Giving me one more minute B. Given one more minute
C. One more minute D. If I am given one more minute
解析:这里"and "连接的是两个并列的句子,A选项和B选项都是状语成分,故排除。若选D,则句子应为If I am given one more minute,I will finish the task completely.C选项是个祈使句,类似于这个句子Hurry up, or you'll miss your train.

6. Is _____ factory ______you visited last week? (D)
A. this; that B this the; where C this one; that D this ; the one
解析:一般遇到这类疑问句的选择题,我习惯引导学生转成陈述句句式:_____ factory is ______I visited last week.显然,这是个主系表结构的句子,this factory是主语,is 是系动词,后面的成分作表语,the one =the factory," I visited last week"作the one 的定语。

7--Where's Tom? --He's left a _______ saying that he has something to do.(B)
A. excuse B. sentence C. news D. message

解析:leave a message固定短语,留个口信。A选项excuse借口;B选项sentence句子,C选项news新闻。
第1个回答  2011-07-31
第2个回答  2011-07-31