in which , for which ,on whch ,at which d的不同用法


in which 可以翻译成在......里面
for which 可以翻译成为了......目的
on whch 可以翻译成在......的上面
at which 可以翻译成在.....里面或在.....上面
例如 (1) The school (that/which) he once studied in is very famous."
  = The school in which he once studied is very famous. 
(2) Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine (that/which) you asked for.   
= Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine for which you asked.   
(3) I have a dresser in my bedroom, which there are many cosmetics on.
= I have a dresser in my bedroom on which there are many cosmetics.
(4 ) The dumpling House which he often has dumplings at is very popular.
= The dumpling House is very popular, at which he often has dumplings.
例如 The plane may be several hours late,in which case there's no point in our waiting.
(固定搭配:in the case)
The speaker paused to examine his notes,at which point a loud crash was heard.
( 固定搭配:at the point)
Ten years of hard work changed her greatly,for which reason he could hardly recognize her at first sight. (固定搭配:for the reason)
第1个回答  2011-08-17
in which 大多后面接的是地点,属于地点状语从句的引导词。
for which后面接原因,是原因状语从句。
on which一般也可以接地点,但是只是表面,比如墙的表面就可以用on which。which代指后面接的词语。
at whichy大多接时间,比如几点钟,属于时间状语从句的用法。
第2个回答  2011-08-17
in which 可以翻译成在......里面 指地点是大地点 指时间 就是原来该用in 地方
for which 可以翻译成为了......目的
on whch 可以翻译成在......的上面 指时间是指具体某天
at which 可以翻译成在.....里面或在.....上面