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Survival Training in the Wilderness
Nowadays, more and more people live in cities or towns, but we still need to learn how to survive in the wilderness, in case you get lost in the wild when you go hiking. Today we are going to the wilderness to have some survival training.
I brought a compass, a flashlight and a map and some other things. We trekked over high mountainsand through deep forests. Finally, we arrived at a goodsite to set up our tents. We started the fire and found some stuff to cook. We learned how to solve problems by ourselves and how to care for each other. 平庸作文:
  In the morning, Liming andI went to the campus. Therewere many things in my bag: bread, a map, a flashlight, a knife, clothes, and a first aid kit. There wasa compass and a tent in my bag too. We climbed a mountain and crossed a river. We arrived at a forestand we were lost in it. We looked at the compass and went out of it at last. In the evening I arrived at the campus and had a rest. We felt tired, but very happy.
  With the sun rising in the east, Li Ming and I started. In my bag lay a tent and a compass, while Li Ming carried bread, some candles,a map, a knife, a flashlight, clothes, and a first aid kit in his. As soon as we climbed up a mountain, we found that we had to cross a river before got to the campus. Then we put our bags on a wood board found on the bank and swam to the otherside of the river. However we lost our way in the forest. But for the compass, we wouldn’t have got rid of the trouble. It was dark when we reached the campus. We prepared for dinner and rest. Tired as we are, we have learnt a lot from today’s experiences.