
As is vividly depicted in the picture,under the warm sunlight lies a young tree with a long shadow .Just like being symbolically revealed in the set of drawing , the fact that the sunlight , as a symbol of happiness spring from being on-line , confronts the shadow representing the insidious unexpected results triggered by the internet , with a young tree standing for those teenagers who abandoned themselves in cyber space , profoundly indicates that it is time that voice from many quarters gained into the negative results the internet brings , which ,hence ,gave rise to various social problems related with young man .
To the popular mind , it is immediately assumed that when issues concerning the internet is argue , it is computer games that is meant .Several points analyzed below might equip us with the deeper understanding of what we are heading for . For one thing , some CGS , indeed, tell the young man ,as we all know , the fact that man want to do everything well only when he should observe the rules as the case happen in that way .For another , however ,other CGS involves distasteful things associating with violence ,ghost and pornography , which seriously undermine innocent minds of young men and even cause the misunderstanding the relationship between the reality and cyber space . No better illustration of this idea touched on above can be weighed than the example mentioned below , a guy about 13 years old , who has indulged in CG for six years , finally killed himself in order to pursue the heroes in another world he admired in CG . Therefore , no issue is as critical to healthy development of his minds and psychology as harms derived from internet .
Judging from what has been argue above , people have come to realize the harms of internet has been , like pandoras box , the crippling force of establishing the elevating environment for young man . It is , hence ,necessary that efforts be made to iron out the negative effects while we use safely internet , the very element in our life . On one hand , the government should make law to perfect irrational rules and regulations being visible in internet field . On the other hand ,we should enhance the awareness of risks arising from the net .Only by undergoing these steps , can our young man live in more sunny and carefree environment without more tragedies again , which ,indeed ,has gone to the heart of maintaining harmonious society.


第1个回答  2011-12-20
1 uses the countdown to reveal the way: Proclaims in the circular, every day the different advertisement language prompt, the enhancement mystical追问

