

1.他们已经认识五年了-- They have known each other for five years.
2.他们已经在美国20天了 -- They have been in the US for 20 days.
3.自从他搬到北京就一直住在这-- He has been living here since he moved to Beijing.
4.他们已经结婚十年了-- It has been ten years since they got married.
5.我妹妹已经上大学两年了--It has been two years since my sister started her college.
6.这扇门已经关着两天了--It has been two days since the door was closed.
7.我妈妈买这辆自行车四年了. My mother bought this bike four years ago.
8.这本书我已经借了好几天了 It has been several days since I borrowed this book.
9.你妈妈做老师多久了 ...How long has your mother been a teacher?
10.Tom自从前天就感冒了 Tom got a cold the day before yesterday.
11.她这条裙子都穿一星期了 She has worn this skirt for a week.
第1个回答  2011-11-17
1.他们已经认识五年了, they have known each other for five years.
2.他们已经在美国20天了, They have been USA for 20 days.
3.自从他搬到北京就一直住在这He have lived here since he moved to Beijing.
4.他们已经结婚十年了, they have married for ten years.
5.我妹妹已经上大学两年了My sister has been in an university for two years.
6.这扇门已经关着两天了 This door has been closed for two days.
7.我妈妈买这辆自行车四年了My mother has bought this bicycle for four years.
8.这本书我已经借了好几天了I have borrowed this book for a quite few days.
9.你妈妈做老师多久了 How long has your mother become a teacher?
10.Tom自从前天就感冒了Tom has cought a cold since the day before yesterday.
11.她这条裙子都穿一星期了She has taken this skirt for a week.
第2个回答  2011-11-17
1. They've knew each other for 5 years.
2. They've stayed in America for 20 days already.
3. He lived here since he moved to Beijing.
4. They've married for 10 years.
5. My sister has already studies in university for 2 years.
6. This door had closed for 2 days.
7. My mother bought this bicycle for 4 years.
8. I've borrowed this book for a few days.
9. How long had your mother been a teacher?
10. Tom get cold since the day before yesterday.
11. She has wore this skirt for 1 week already.追问

老师要求用have 打头 前几句


1. They have knew each other for 5 years.
2. They have stayed in America for 20 days already.
3. He had lived here since he moved to Beijing.
4. They have married for 10 years.

第3个回答  2011-11-17
1. They've knew each other since 5 years ago.
2. They've been in America for 20 days..
3. He lived here since he had moved to Beijing.
4. It's been 5 years since they married.
5. My sister is in university for 2 years.
6. This door is closed for 2 days.
7. My mother bought this bicycle 4 years ago.
8. I borrowed this book a few days ago.
9. How long has your mother been a teacher?
10. Tom had caught a cold since day before yesterday.
11. She has worn this skirt for 1 week..