英语演讲话题 HAPPY JEALOUS SAD ANGRY FUNNY 大一 两到三分钟的短文演讲


what's the happy mean to you?Happy to me means choosing to be grateful instead of worrying about what I don't have. Keeping a positive outlook on what things I need to change, and knowing that I can make a difference in my own life so that I am able to foster happy relationships with those who I love.

What Does Jealousy Mean? Jealousy is a feeling of envy over something that you don't have that others have. It could be in the form of materials, relationship, family, food, or achievement.
Often, Jealousy is present in a marriages or in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship by one not trusting the other. The reason for jealousy in a relationship is one is not making enough effort to show love to the other and not really following a so called "word of honor". In a family, jealousy is present if a parent starts favoring one child over other child or children. In material, one wanted badly something and can't have it, and other's can have the same thing so easy then brag about it. In achievement, like at work, one has a lot of promotion because of hard work, and other see it as kiss a.....s and instead of changing attitude towards co-workers (like learning from them) or going back to school for added education, one started gossiping about the other and ended up in trouble which rooted in jealousy

SAD can take a toll on your relationships with others. It can affect your ability to make friends and to find a romantic partner. It can even negatively affect those that are closest to you, as they try to help you deal with your anxiety symptoms. Below are some articles to help you cope with the impact of SAD on your relationships.
Some people who have SAD also suffer from a deficit in social skills. Fortunately, social skills can be learned as part of a social skills training program sometimes incorporated with treatment. There are also many strategies that you can use on your own to improve your social skills.
Quite simply, the anger that you often feel comes from frustration, and if not allowed to express itself, it comes through as depression, or even violence, against yourself, others or both.
Anger varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense rage. Like all other emotions, it's accompanied by physiological and biological changes; so when you get angry, your heart rate and blood pressure go up, as do the levels of your energy hormones and adrenaline.
Anger is either caused by external and internal events, so you can be angry at a specific person (Such as a partner, co-worker, supervisor) an event (a traffic jam, a cancelled flight), or your anger could be caused by worrying or brooding about your personal problems. Memories of traumatic or enraging events can also trigger angry feelings.
The instinctive, natural way to express anger is to respond aggressively. Anger is a natural, although adaptive response to threats; in becoming angry, it inspires powerful, aggressive, feelings and behaviours, which allows you to fight and defend yourself when under attack. An amount of anger is therefore necessary to your survival.
But, you can't physically lash out at every person or object that irritates or annoys us; as laws, and common sense places limits on how far your anger can take you.

What does funny mean?
Things that I think are funny are, funniest home video's because people act silly and fall down. I also like funny faces and jokes. I like slap sick comedy best I found out this is an old style of comedy where people fall down a lot.